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[SOLVED] MySQL Insert Error


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Ok, so heres the problem. I've been working on this system all day and it was working perfectly. I got to the point where I decided i needed to add the user id of the forum member posting the application and thats where it all began to go wrong. I removed the code I added, reviewed EVERY line of code, and I event wrote a bunch of it over again. It just wont work anymore and I am a tad bit confused. Can anyone spot any problem with the code. Perhaps some fresh eyes may help. (also, my DB settings are "AAA" because i just removed them so you wouldn't be able to see it).


<?php include_once('forums/SSI.php'); ?>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">

/* ... rest of website here... */

if ($context['user']['is_logged'])
{ //start the if user is logged
So your looking to join NAME_HIDDEN? In order to make applying a little easier, we have created this tool to automatically do it for you. Please completely fill in the required fields and post your application. You application will then automatically be posted in the Recruitment section in the forums. If you are accepted, you will be contacted.<br /><br /> <font color="red">Fields marked with a <b>*</b> will <b>not</b> be shown on the application. This information is for our records only. Before applying, please read the guild <a href="http://www.MYDOMIAN.com/forums/index.php/topic,66.0.html">requirements</a>.</font><br /><br />
{ //start if apply


$topicOptions = array(
'id'		=> 0,
'board'		=> 2.0,
'mark_as_read'	=> false,
$posterOptions = array(
'id'		=> (isset($ID_MEMBER) ? $ID_MEMBER : 0),
'name'		=> $_POST["acctNAME"],
'email'		=> $_POST["acctEMAIL"],
'ip'		=> $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'],
'update_post_count'	=> true,
$msgOptions = array(
'id'		=> 0,
'subject'	=> $_POST["charNAME"] . ', ' . $_POST["charLEVEL"] . ' ' . $_POST["charCLASS"],
'body'		=> '[b][color=red]Name:[/color][/b] ' . $_POST["appNAME"] . '\n[b][color=red]Character Name:[/color][/b] ' . $_POST["charNAME"] . '\n[b][color=red]Character Race:[/color][/b] ' . $_POST["charRACE"] . '\n[b][color=red]Character Class:[/color][/b] ' . $_POST["charCLASS"] . '\n[b][color=red]Character Level:[/color][/b] ' . $_POST["charLEVEL"] . '\n[b][color=red]Message:[/color][/b]\n' . $_POST["appMSG"],

createPost ($msgOptions,$topicOptions,$posterOptions);

$dbhost = 'AAA';
$dbuser = 'AAA';
$dbpass = 'AAA';
$dbname = 'AAA';

$conn = mysql_connect($dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpass) or die(mysql_error());
$db = mysql_select_db($dbname, $conn) or die(mysql_error());

$db_appNAME = $_POST['appNAME'];
$db_appEMAIL = $_POST['appEMAIL'];

$db_acctNAME = $_POST['acctNAME'];
$db_acctEMAIL = $_POST['acctEMAIL'];
$db_acctIP = $_POST['acctIP'];

$db_charNAME = $_POST['charNAME'];
$db_charRACE = $_POST['charRACE'];
$db_charCLASS = $_POST['charCLASS'];
$db_charLEVEL = $_POST['charLEVEL'];

$db_message = $_POST['appMSG'];

$show = "yes";
$approved = "nil";

$query = "INSERT INTO applications (appname, appemail, acctname, acctemail, acctip, charname, charrace, charclass, charlevel, message, show, approved) VALUES ('$db_appNAME', '$db_appEMAIL', '$db_acctNAME', '$db_acctEMAIL', '$db_acctIP', '$db_charNAME', '$db_charRACE', '$db_charCLASS', '$db_charLEVEL', '$db_message', '$show', '$approved')";
mysql_query($query) or die('Error, your application could not be processed');
<font color="red"><b>Application successfully sent!</b></font><meta http-equiv="refresh" content="1;url=http://www.MYDOMAIN.com/forums/index.php/board,2.0.html">
} //end if apply
else {
<form method="post">
<table width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0">
<td colspan="2"><b>PERSONAL INFORMATION</b></td>
<td>Real Name:</td>
<td><input type="text" name="appNAME"></td>
<td>*Email Address:</td>
<td><input type="text" name="appEMAIL"></td>

<tr><td> </td></tr>

<td colspan="2"><b>FORUM ACCOUNT INFORMATION</b></td>
<td>*Account Name:</td>
<td><input type="text" name="acctNAME" value="<?php echo '', $context['user']['name'] ,''; ?>" disabled></td>
<td>*Account Email:</td>
<td><input type="text" name="acctEMAIL" value="<?php echo '', $context['user']['email'] ,''; ?>" disabled></td>
<td>*Account IP:</td>
<td><input type="text" name="acctIP" value="<?php echo '', $user_info['ip'] ,''; ?>" disabled></td>

<tr><td> </td></tr>

<td colspan="2"><b>CHARACTER INFORMATION</b></td>
<td>Character Name:</td>
<td><input type="text" name="charNAME"></td>
<td>Character Race:</td>
<td><select name="charRACE">
<option selected>--RACE--</option>
<option value="Draenei">Draenei</option>
<option value="Dwarf">Dwarf</option>
<option value="Gnome">Gnome</option>
<option value="Human">Human</option>
<option value="Night Elf">Night Elf</option>
<td>Character Class:</td>
<td><select name="charCLASS">
<option selected>--CLASS--</option>
<option value="Druid">Druid</option>
<option value="Hunter">Hunter</option>
<option value="Mage">Mage</option>
<option value="Paladin">Paladin</option>
<option value="Priest">Priest</option>
<option value="Rogue">Rogue</option>
<option value="Shaman">Shaman</option>
<option value="Warlock">Warlock</option>
<option value="Warrior">Warrior</option>
<td>Character Level:</td>
<td><input type="text" name="charLEVEL" size="2" maxLength="2"></td>

<tr><td> </td></tr>

<td colspan="2"><b>APPLICATION MESSAGE</b></td>
<td valign="top">Message:<br /><font color="#666666"><small><i>
Be sure to include:<br /><br />
<li>Brief history of guilds and servers</li>
<li>Give us a general idea of your talent builds and gear (we will check the armory if necessary)</li>
<li>Relevant keys and attunements on your main character</li>
<li>Days and times you are able play</li>
Also, don't be afraid to tell us about yourself. Why do you want to join NAME_HIDDEN? Do you know anyone in NAME_HIDDEN? What experience do you have with PvE end game content? What are you hoping to gain from joining NAME_HIDDEN? What events are you keyed for?
<td><textarea rows="15" cols="30" name="appMSG"></textarea></td>

<tr><td> </td></tr>

<td><input type="submit" name="apply" value="Apply"></td>

} //end the if user is logged
else {
Please <a href="http://www.MYDOMAIN.com/forums/index.php?action=login">Login</a> or <a href="http://www.MYDOMAIN.com/forums/index.php?action=register">Register</a> first.

/* ... rest of website here... */

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Nope. No effect. I just COMPLETELY rewrote the code again, leaving only what was necessary to write the data to the database but still it doesn't work. Could there be something wrong with my table structure? I have double checked, the field names match up, but would the field type have anything to do with it?

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Why don't you try catching the error?


Change this:


mysql_query($query) or die('Error, your application could not be processed');



To this:


mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error());



You were getting this error, right?

"Error, your application could not be processed"

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YOU good sir. Are a god damn GENIUS in all rights  ;D. I changed it that way in case if a user encountered an error, it would be a bit friendlier.


Anywho, here's the error:


You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'show, approved) VALUES ('FakeFirst', 'fake@gmail.com', 'JonDoe', 'JonDoe@gma' at line 1


Any ideas?

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So I've discovered the problem. It has to do with this specific code:


//Declare various variables
$ishow = "yes";
$iapproved = "nil";

$query = "INSERT INTO applications (appname, appemail, acctname, acctemail, acctip, charname, charrace, charclass, charlevel, message, show, approved) VALUES ('$db_appNAME', '$db_appEMAIL', '$db_acctNAME', '$db_acctEMAIL', '$db_acctIP', '$db_charNAME', '$db_charRACE', '$db_charCLASS', '$db_charLEVEL', '$db_message', '$show', '$approved')";
mysql_query($query) or die('Error, your application could not be processed');


It would appear the format I use for the two variables, $ishow and $iapproved is flawed. So fixing this should be no problem. Thanks for the help!!!

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Jeesh. This is getting irritating. I tried using hidden input fields with the values set, I even directly input the text. I am unsure how to use that mysql_real_escape_string() or even what it does for that matter. How would I go about inserting that data.

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Are you getting any different errors with the "or die(mysql_error())" tacked on to the end of your query?


To use mysql_real_escape_string, just do this:



$db_appNAME = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['appNAME']);



This function will escape any special characters to get the variable ready to insert into the DB.


This function is not only useful for preventing mysql injections, but it will also escape apostrophes. If you have an apostrophe in any one of your variables, it will throw an error. So that might be your problem.

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Ahh. Well, in that case, I do not think it would be of any use in this particular situation. As for the error codes. See Reply #'s 4 and 5. I kept getting an error in regards to the last part of my insert query. I removed the $ishow and $iapproved variables and that solved the problem. However, i need those in there, so getting rid of them is not an option. So then i tried using hidden input fields with the values set, and even directly inserting the data (in which case $sshow = "yes" and $iapproved = "nil")



You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'show, approved) VALUES ('FakeFirst', 'fake@gmail.com', 'JonDoe', 'JonDoe@gma' at line 1


SPECIFIC PROBLEM (had to do with the ishow and iapproved variables

//Declare various variables
$ishow = "yes";
$iapproved = "nil";

$query = "INSERT INTO applications (appname, appemail, acctname, acctemail, acctip, charname, charrace, charclass, charlevel, message, show, approved) VALUES ('$db_appNAME', '$db_appEMAIL', '$db_acctNAME', '$db_acctEMAIL', '$db_acctIP', '$db_charNAME', '$db_charRACE', '$db_charCLASS', '$db_charLEVEL', '$db_message', '$show', '$approved')";
mysql_query($query) or die('Error, your application could not be processed');


So how would i insert the words "yes" and "nil" into the database because its really weird.

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Dont cry i think try this snd it will be sloved.


$ishow = "yes";
$iapproved = "nil";

$query = "INSERT INTO applications (appname, appemail, acctname, acctemail, acctip, charname, charrace, charclass, charlevel, message, show, approved) VALUES ('$db_appNAME', '$db_appEMAIL', '$db_acctNAME', '$db_acctEMAIL', '$db_acctIP', '$db_charNAME', '$db_charRACE', '$db_charCLASS', '$db_charLEVEL', '$db_message', '$ishow', '$iapproved')";
mysql_query($query) or die('Error, your application could not be processed');


And let me know.

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Dont cry... i think try this and it will be sloved.


$ishow = "yes";
$iapproved = "nil";

$query = "INSERT INTO applications (appname, appemail, acctname, acctemail, acctip, charname, charrace, charclass, charlevel, message, show, approved) VALUES ('$db_appNAME', '$db_appEMAIL', '$db_acctNAME', '$db_acctEMAIL', '$db_acctIP', '$db_charNAME', '$db_charRACE', '$db_charCLASS', '$db_charLEVEL', '$db_message', '$ishow', '$iapproved')";
mysql_query($query) or die('Error, your application could not be processed');


And let me know.

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If i am not mistaking, I have tried that already and it still doesn't work. Oh, forgot to mention, i changed all my variable a while back. This is what I have right now:


//Declare various variables
$iSHOW = "yes";
$iAPPROVED = "nil";

//Insert the data posted from the form into the database
$query = "INSERT INTO $dbtable (appname, appemail, acctuid, acctname, acctemail, acctip, charname, charrace, charclass, charlevel, message, show, approved) VALUES ('$iAPP_name', '$iAPP_email', '$iACCT_uid', '$iACCT_name', '$iACCT_email', '$iACCT_ip', '$iCHAR_name', '$iCHAR_race', '$iCHAR_class', '$iCHAR_level', '$iAPP_message', '$iSHOW', '$iAPPROVED')";
mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error());


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EDIT: I SOLVED IT! Finally. I just ended up changing the name of the field. Apparently, MySQL must use this name for something or whatever. One way or the other, it didn't like the fact that I had a field with the name "show".

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