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[SOLVED] My site keeps getting hacked!


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Ah! - shared hosting!!


Are there other websites also compromised on this shared server?? It might not be your fault.


Is your website dynamic? i.e. datadriven from a database?


Do you have **any** passwords saved in ANY files on the webserver???


Do you have weblogs? Do they show the attacker coming via the website? or are they accessing and changing the files via the filesystem and server?


I suggest you contact your webhosting provider as they may be able to assist in blocking these attacks.



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One more loophole that sometimes exists is the file permissions, cant remmember but once a person asked me the same question....

He even told that his file permissions were 777. This is the most insecure file permission. I recommend you check you file permissions. All of them should be set to 644 or 744.

IF other sites are also compromised,then contact your hosting provider

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All u r Programing Files.. should not have 777 permission...........


Also U r important files should be In the folder called "PRIVATE" 


So that files will not be accessed from doc_root folder..........



Also Keep the .htacess file in Each directory with some specification

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