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My name is Danyal, and I am having problems with a small problem: My problem is that even though I added the "nl2br();" function, it still won't let me auto break a line when something is submitted into the database. Here is an example of what my problem looks like:





As you can see above, everytime a user (or myself, in this case), breaks a line, the following appears "rn". Here is my code:


$newsID = $_GET['newsID'];
$GetNews="SELECT * from News where ID='$newsID' LIMIT 1";
$GetNews2=mysql_query($GetNews) or die(mysql_error());
print "This news story is not in our database!";
$Comment  = $_POST['Comment'];
if(strlen($Comment) > '4000')
print "Your comment is too big! Please shorten it, and try again!";
if(strlen($Comment) < '2')
print "Your comment is too small! Please add more, and try again!";
if($FetchTrainer3[LCommentTime] > $Current-10)
print "You may only post a comment every 10 seconds!";
$Comment[Comment] = ereg_replace("\r\n", "<br />", $Comment[Comment]);
$Comment = nl2br($Comment);
$Comment = htmlspecialchars($Comment);
$Date    = date("l \\T\h\e jS");
$Today   = date("U");
$query = mysql_query("Insert into Comments (newsID,Username,Comment,Time) values ('$newsID','$FetchTrainer3[username]','$Comment','$Date')") or die(mysql_error());
$CommentTime="UPDATE Trainers set LCommentTime='$Today' where Username='$GetTrainer3[username]' LIMIT 1";
mysql_query($CommentTime) or die(mysql_error());
if (!isset($_POST['Submit']))

print "				<h1>Comments</h1>";
$GetComments = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM Comments WHERE newsID = '$newsID' ORDER BY ID DESC LIMIT 16");
while($Comment = mysql_fetch_array($GetComments))
$Comment[Comment] = ereg_replace("\r\n\rn", "<br />", $Comment[Comment]);
$Comment[Comment] = nl2br($Comment[Comment]);
print "				<table width=\"100%\">
					<td valign=\"top\" width=\"30%\"><strong>Name</strong>: $Comment[username]</td>
                                                <td valign=\"top\" width=\"30%\"><strong>Date</strong>: $Comment[Time]</td>
                                                <td valign=\"top\" width=\"30%\"><strong>Comment</strong>: $Comment[Comment]</td>";
if($FetchTrainer3[status] > '0')
print "                                         <td valign=\"top\" width=\"30%\"><strong>Action</strong>: <a href=\"index.php?mode=deletecomment&commentID=$FetchComment3[iD]\">Delete comment</a>.</td>";
print "                                 </tr>
print "				<h1>Submit A Comment</h1>
                                <form method=\"post\" action=\"index.php?mode=comments&newsID=$newsID\">
                                <table width=\"100\" border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"5\">
			<tr align=\"center\">
			  <td colspan=\"4\"><strong>Emoticons</strong></td>

							<tr align=\"center\" valign=\"middle\"> 
			  				  <td><a href=\"javascript: addSmiley('')\"><img src=\"images/Emoticons/Biggrin.gif\" border=\"0\" alt=\"Very Happy\" title=\"Very Happy\" /></a></td>
			  				  <td><a href=\"javascript: addSmiley('')\"><img src=\"images/Emoticons/Smile.gif\" border=\"0\" alt=\"Smile\" title=\"Smile\" /></a></td>
			  				  <td><a href=\"javascript: addSmiley('')\"><img src=\"images/Emoticons/Sad.gif\" border=\"0\" alt=\"Sad\" title=\"Sad\" /></a></td>
			  				  <td><a href=\"javascript: addSmiley('')\"><img src=\"images/Emoticons/Surprised.gif\" border=\"0\" alt=\"Surprised\" title=\"Surprised\" /></a></td>
							<tr align=\"center\" valign=\"middle\"> 
			  				  <td><a href=\"javascript: addSmiley(':shock:')\"><img src=\"images/Emoticons/Eek.gif\" border=\"0\" alt=\"Shocked\" title=\"Shocked\" /></a></td>
			  				  <td><a href=\"javascript: addSmiley(':?')\"><img src=\"images/Emoticons/Confused.gif\" border=\"0\" alt=\"Confused\" title=\"Confused\" /></a></td>

			  				  <td><a href=\"javascript: addSmiley('')\"><img src=\"images/Emoticons/Cool.gif\" border=\"0\" alt=\"Cool\" title=\"Cool\" /></a></td>
			  				  <td><a href=\"javascript: addSmiley('')\"><img src=\"images/Emoticons/Lol.gif\" border=\"0\" alt=\"Laughing\" title=\"Laughing\" /></a></td>
							<tr align=\"center\" valign=\"middle\"> 
			  				  <td><a href=\"javascript: addSmiley(':x')\"><img src=\"images/Emoticons/Mad.gif\" border=\"0\" alt=\"Mad\" title=\"Mad\" /></a></td>
			  				  <td><a href=\"javascript: addSmiley('')\"><img src=\"images/Emoticons/Radd.gif\" border=\"0\" alt=\"Radd\" title=\"Radd\" /></a></td>
			  				  <td><a href=\"javascript: addSmiley(':opps:')\"><img src=\"images/Emoticons/Redface.gif\" border=\"0\" alt=\"Embarassed\" title=\"Embarassed\" /></a></td>
			  				  <td><a href=\"javascript: addSmiley('')\"><img src=\"images/Emoticons/Cry.gif\" border=\"0\" alt=\"Crying or Very sad\" title=\"Crying or Very sad\" /></a></td>

							<tr align=\"center\" valign=\"middle\"> 
			  				  <td><a href=\"javascript: addSmiley(':evil:')\"><img src=\"images/Emoticons/Evil.gif\" border=\"0\" alt=\"Evil or Very Mad\" title=\"Evil or Very Mad\" /></a></td>
			  				  <td><a href=\"javascript: addSmiley(':twisted:')\"><img src=\"images/Emoticons/Twisted.gif\" border=\"0\" alt=\"Twisted Evil\" title=\"Twisted Evil\" /></a></td>
			  				  <td><a href=\"javascript: addSmiley(':roll:')\"><img src=\"images/Emoticons/Rolleyes.gif\" border=\"0\" alt=\"Rolling Eyes\" title=\"Rolling Eyes\" /></a></td>
			  				  <td><a href=\"javascript: addSmiley('')\"><img src=\"images/Emoticons/Wink.gif\" border=\"0\" alt=\"Wink\" title=\"Wink\" /></a></td>
							<tr align=\"center\" valign=\"middle\"> 
			  				  <td><a href=\"javascript: addSmiley(':!:')\"><img src=\"images/Emoticons/Exclaim.gif\" border=\"0\" alt=\"Exclamation\" title=\"Exclamation\" /></a></td>
			  				  <td><a href=\"javascript: addSmiley(':?:')\"><img src=\"images/Emoticons/Question.gif\" border=\"0\" alt=\"Question\" title=\"Question\" /></a></td>
			  				  <td><a href=\"javascript: addSmiley('')\"><img src=\"images/Emoticons/Idea.gif\" border=\"0\" alt=\"Idea\" title=\"Idea\" /></a></td>

			  				  <td><a href=\"javascript: addSmiley(':arrow:')\"><img src=\"images/Emoticons/Arrow.gif\" border=\"0\" alt=\"Arrow\" title=\"Arrow\" /></a></td>
			<label>Your Comments</label>
                                <textarea rows=\"5\" cols=\"5\" name=\"Comment\" placeholder=\"Write yours comments...\" onselect=\"storeCaret(this);\" onclick=\"storeCaret(this);\" onkeyup=\"storeCaret(this);\"></textarea>
                                <br />
                                <input type=\"Submit\" value=\"Submit\" class=\"button\" name=\"Submit\" />
                                <br />";
print "You need to be logged in to view this page!";


Can anyone help me? Thank you,



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Nope, I submitted a new comment, and yet, still get this:


Comment: TESTrnrnTEST


I did this:


$GetComments = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM Comments WHERE newsID = '$newsID' ORDER BY ID DESC LIMIT 16");
while($Comment = mysql_fetch_array($GetComments))
$Comment[Comment] = str_replace("\r\n", "<br />", $Comment[Comment]);

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it worked for me when I tried it.


$text = "I\r\nRule";

$text = str_replace("\r\n", "<br />" , $text);

echo $text;


Yeah, but mine doesn't show \r, it shows both "rn". Not "\r\n".


Not sure, it could be the way the server is setup to retrieve the data. You can use ereg_replace to create a regex that will replace only rn but if someone enters turn well yea. I would check on your server settings and make sure that something is not skewed there.


Ace is talking about www.php.net/stripslashes.

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I tried making a function that does both, no succes



function format_text ($text){

	$text = nl2br ($text);
	$text = str_replace ('\n', '<br />', $text);
	return $text;


format_text ($comment['Comment']);



I tried this, and it worked:


$C = $comment[Comment];
$CS1 = str_replace ('rn', '<br />', $C);


But now it replaces ALL RN's! Meaning, if someone writes "learn" it will show "lea". I tried the /r/n, but nothing. Do I contact my server?

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What does the data look like when you receive it before it goes into the DB?


Do a print_r($_POST)  and paste that here (you may have to view the page source so we can see the new lines etc). Have you tried nl2br before inputting it into the DB? I know its looked down upon but it may be what you need.

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i suggest you clear you comment of anything that is going in the database just simple put




and insert it into the database.. once you confirm that the nl2br works with out putting the mesage you can add everything else..

because i know thats the problem.

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