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Okay guys, I have no idea in hell how to do this somebody at least point me in the right direction. I know its possible.


I need something like Alexa.com


It generates a graph and shows stats on it over time. I know its just an image they use that they write on. How do you go about doing this? How do you make the lines?


Thank You

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Thx :D Yeah found a tutorial. its really easy :P


Next problem im having with this. I have "dates" in a field. I need to organize them.


I have a table:

id, serverid, size, dirname, timestamp


For every timestamp that is the same I need to average the entire one out WHILE the serverid is == what ever its on. Thats not the hard part I can't figure out how to do the timestamp part.


It is in the format of mm/d/y

it has to do with Foreach i would think. I'm not to sure though.


ThanK You

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average the time stamps??? best idea I got would be to convert them to UNIX seconds since Epoch average that then convert that to a timestamp


No not average them but like..Heres an example:


(id, serverid, size, dir, timestamp)


1, 1, 500, "FoldersRock", "05, 28, 2007"

2, 1, 123, "FoldersRock1", "05, 28, 2007"

3, 1, 543, "FoldersRock2", "05, 28, 2007"


4, 1, 6764, "FoldersRock3", "05, 25, 2007"

5, 1, 345677, "FoldersRock4", "05, 25, 2007"

6, 1, 3, "FoldersRock5", "05, 25, 2007"


7, 2, 500, "FoldersRock", "05, 28, 2007"

8, 2, 123, "FoldersRock1", "05, 28, 2007"

9, 2, 543, "FoldersRock2", "05, 28, 2007"


10 2, 6764, "FoldersRock3", "05, 25, 2007"

11, 2, 345677, "FoldersRock4", "05, 25, 2007"

12, 2, 3, "FoldersRock5", "05, 25, 2007"


Now with this information...Average all the "Size" fields that are the same as the date. So like all the "05, 28, 2007";s on SERVER1 are the same

Then all the "05, 28, 2007" on server2 must be averaged but it goes for every date.


so then the "05, 25, 2007" go next


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$result = mysql_query("SELECT size,timestamp FROM `tablename`");
while( $row= mysql_fetch_array($result)){
$sizes[$row['timestamp']][] = $row['size'];
foreach($sizes as $key => $value){
$tempcount = count($value);
$average[$key] = array_sum[$value]/$tempcount;
echo "Average for ".$key.": ".$average[$key]."<br/>";



the while function gathers all the info from the table and then organizes them by date

the foreach takes each date and then averages and displays its average  This only works for 1 table if you have a second copy and paste the whole while function and change the table name. It will just append to the array accordingly

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$graphValues = Array();

// Define .PNG image
header("Content-type: image/png");

$result = mysql_query("SELECT size,timestamp FROM `serverInfo`") or die(mysql_error());
while( $row= mysql_fetch_array($result)){
$sizes[$row['timestamp']][] = $row['size'];
foreach($sizes as $key => $value)
$tempcount = count($value);
$average[$key] = array_sum($value)/$tempcount;
array_merge($graphValues, $key);
//echo "Average for ".$key.": ".$average[$key]."<br/>";
// Create image and define colors
$image=imagecreate($imgWidth, $imgHeight);
$colorWhite=imagecolorallocate($image, 255, 255, 255);
$colorGrey=imagecolorallocate($image, 192, 192, 192);
$colorBlue=imagecolorallocate($image, 0, 0, 255);

// Create border around image
imageline($image, 0, 0, 0, 250, $colorGrey);
imageline($image, 0, 0, 250, 0, $colorGrey);
imageline($image, 249, 0, 249, 249, $colorGrey);
imageline($image, 0, 249, 249, 249, $colorGrey);
//imagefttext($image, 12.0, 12.0, 0, 0, 0, "", "12");

// Create grid
for ($i=1; $i<11; $i++){
imageline($image, $i*25, 0, $i*25, 250, $colorGrey);
imageline($image, 0, $i*25, 250, $i*25, $colorGrey);

// Create line graph
for ($i=0; $i<10; $i++){
imageline($image, $i*25, (250-$graphValues[$i]),  ($i+1)*25,  (250-$graphValues[$i+1]), $colorBlue);

// Output graph and clear image from memory


This prints out nothing..

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This works on my server with the dummy data.  (same as you would get from the mysql.) Below this is one that should work.

$data[1]['size'] = 500;
$data[1]['timestamp'] = "05, 28, 2007";
$data[2]['size'] = 475;
$data[2]['timestamp'] = "05, 28, 2007";
$data[3]['size'] = 354;
$data[3]['timestamp'] = "05, 26, 2007";
$data[4]['size'] = 184;
$data[4]['timestamp'] = "05, 26, 2007";
$data[5]['size'] = 654;
$data[5]['timestamp'] = "05, 26, 2007";
$data[6]['size'] = 475;
$data[6]['timestamp'] = "05, 27, 2007";
$data[7]['size'] = 321;
$data[7]['timestamp'] = "05, 27, 2007";
$data[8]['size'] = 875;
$data[8]['timestamp'] = "05, 27, 2007";
$data[9]['size'] = 552;
$data[9]['timestamp'] = "05, 27, 2007";
$data[0]['size'] = 123;
$data[0]['timestamp'] = "05, 27, 2007";

foreach ($data as $value)
$temptime = str_replace(", ","",$value['timestamp']);
$sizes[$temptime][] = $value['size']; 

foreach($sizes as $key => $value){

$tempcount = count($value);
$average[$key] = array_sum($value)/$tempcount;
echo "Average for ".$key.": ".$average[$key]."<br/>";


Good one

$result = mysql_query("SELECT size,timestamp FROM `tablename`");
while( $row= mysql_fetch_array($result)){
$temptime = str_replace(", ","",$value['timestamp']);
$sizes[$temptime][] = $value['size']; 

foreach($sizes as $key => $value){

$tempcount = count($value);
$average[$key] = array_sum($value)/$tempcount;
echo "Average for ".$key.": ".$average[$key]."<br/>";


You will have to re space out the times in post

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if you have php 5 this will work to space out the dates again

$tempkey = str_split($key);

$key = $tempkey[0];

$key .= $tempkey[1];

$key .= " ";

$key .= $tempkey[2];

$key .= $tempkey[3];

$key .= " ";

$key .=$tempkey[4];

$key .=$tempkey[5];

$key .=$tempkey[6];

$key .=$tempkey[7];


what do you mean each time?

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Well whats going to happen is this script I made runs at midnight and logs all this info into serverInfo ( I showed you the fields ). It includes the date. This graph is supposed to show over time. So if each date is seperate it can show it better over time.

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I think I'm understanding, but let me get this right.  You are saying since the queries are placed into the table in a time ordred fashioned (IE one at 10 am one at 12pm one at 2 pm etc etc) that you would like to have each one be an individual node on your graph.  Well to answer your question that is possible.  because all the data is  in the array $size[The Day][Counting Number] they should ideally be in time order.  so you can just say


foreach($sizes[$timestamp] as $value)


$node[] = $value;



if that makes any sense.

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Yeah I think I get it, thank you! Ill try that now. :D


Wait Im lost lol


imageline($image, $i*25, (250-$graphValues[$i]),  ($i+1)*25,  (250-$graphValues[$i+1]), $colorBlue);


I need to make a new line for each one. And how is that above code going to help me with this?


Thanks :D

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something is being stupid for me, but this is what i got going;

$keys = array_keys($sizes);
foreach ($keys as $value)
if ($initalized == "yes")
{$grapharrays .= ", ";}
{$initalized = "yes";}
$grapharrays .= "\$sizes[";
$grapharrays .= $value;
$grapharrays .= "]";
$graphvalues = array_merge($grapharrays);

which should work, but some reason its taking the string i have of array values as a string and not the arrays it needs to merge

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best idea here though is to expand your timestamp to a full YYYY-MM-DD-HH-MM-SSSS and then on the query say ORDER BY timestamp and then there is no worries at all.  then however you will have to do more adjustment to the string but i can show you that if you thinkin gabout going that way

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Ill be happy to change that. But what I would like in the end of all this is for it to be like this.


I have a table of servers

CREATE TABLE `servers` (
  `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
  `name` text,
  `keyfile` text NOT NULL,
  `password` text NOT NULL,
  `enabled` tinyint(1) NOT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY  (`id`)


So if I have two servers, on the graph there needs to be two lines. in serverInfo the field serverid = 1 so tin the table servers it needs to make sure theres a line for that server and average it out ever day.


There is a cronjob to index dir info ( have all this done already ). It logs it by date.


Does this make more sense?

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