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I am developing a website with login and passwrod , session vars etc.The site allows uploads and downloads of small <3mb files and allows messages to be uploaded. Now I use mysql as well for all this storage.


q)What are some of the security concerns I haven't addressed?


q) what about this  (I asked this before with no response) but it looks critical to my needs.


on php manual it says

Note:If you are not experienced with session programming it is not recommended that you use sessions on a website that requires high-security, as there are security holes that take some advanced techniques to plug.



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Yeah, sessions are the safest by fair. You can't mess them up they can't be "Manipulated" like cookies can to give you access.


Also with security issues. The only one would be xss. Cross Site Scripting. To stop that just do this around strings before puting them into your database.



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Ok I will check this out



I found this atricle and I don't use cookies for now.





As for security there are things here that baffle me like from this article above


I don't get wh the ask for the password again. Is this on every page that uses sessions ?




if (isset($_SESSION['HTTP_USER_AGENT']))




/* Prompt for password */










my code is like



echo $_SESSION['uid'] ;

if (!isset($_SESSION['uid']))


header( "Location: http://localhost/school/test/login.php" );



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>. Cross Site Scripting. To stop that just do this around strings before puting them into your database.




I did this but my script failed to run with no output. It works if I take them out .


Why does this crash my script






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As for security there are things here that baffle me like from this article above


I don't get wh the ask for the password again. Is this on every page that uses sessions ?




if (isset($_SESSION['HTTP_USER_AGENT']))




/* Prompt for password */









What this is doing is checking that the user agent currently using this session is the same as the one that previously used it - i.e. it is attempting to prevent session hijacking. If the session ID is propagated in the URL instead of being stored in a cookie, that session could be hijacked by someone accessing the site with the same session ID in the URL. But the chances are their user agent would be different, so the above code would lock them out.

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