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Hey Folks,


I have a site I am redoing for my work. The original is www.happyjoes.com. My new layout is http://home.happyjoes.net/header.php.


I am not graphics person and layouts and visual design are my weak point. I wanted to get some opinions on the header.php page above. It is going to be my main layout template. Nothing actually works yet, just want to know if you all think it looks good and such. The big white area is where the content will load.


Thanks for your help,



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It is definately an improvement.  The text on your buttons are kind of pixelated, you might want to make those clearer. the buttons also expand a slight bit when they are clicked, making them not line up. Also your fonts are not consistent throughout the design. Also the copyright text at the bottom is kind of cramped inside the red bar.  Dont worry too much about not being a graphics person, form usually follows function. Have you ever thought of trying to find someone that is a graphics person to work with? There are plenty of people who are, who arent html/php people.

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Have you ever thought of trying to find someone that is a graphics person to work with? There are plenty of people who are, who arent html/php people.


Funny you should ask.... We actually have a graphics person...sorta. It was an old school buddy and he left the company for bigger better things on Friday. We have not hired a person yet, and I will be stuck in a hotel the next 2 1/2 weeks come thursday. So being the impatient person I am and wanting to have this done (or at least mostly) at the end of the 2 1/2 weeks I said f*@k it and made the layout myself (with the help of a template) rather than wait for the new Graphics Artist to be hired and make a layout.



Thanks for the opinions everyone. At least I know I am on the right track here. I started it last night and am wanting to present this layout to the president of the company Tomorrow or Tuesday.





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