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Am I illogical? -- Form problems


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The form works great... up to a point.


It submits and updates the data into the MySQL database.


but it doesn't get the data from the db to display it in the form. I have the sinking feeling it's something really stupid that's staring me in the face, unless it's something I haven't learned yet.


Here's the code:

//both checked and working fine
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="builder2.css" />
<div id="wrapper">
<div class="header">
<!--header content-->
<br />
<br />
<div class="left">
//navigation links -- work and include a logout


<div class="content">


    $sql = "SELECT * FROM traits WHERE username = '$user'";
    $query = mysql_query($sql) or die (mysql_error(). " with query : ". $query."<br>");
    $result = mysql_num_rows($query);
    if ($result ==0)
    {require("basictraits.php"); //the html + php form
    if (isset($_POST['submit'])) {
//more variables in full script

//db query 
$query = "INSERT INTO traits (indate, username, title, genre)VALUES('$indate', '$user', '$title', '$genre')";

//execute db update
$update=mysql_query($query) or die("<br>Error: ". mysql_error(). " with query : ". $query);
echo "<span style='color:#330099;'><h3 align='center'>Data saved!</h3></span>";}}

  else {  
//and the rest of the variables

    if (isset($_POST['submit'])) 
//and so on

   $query="UPDATE traits SET title='$title', genre='$genre'
         WHERE username = '$user'";
$update=mysql_query($query) or die("<br>Error: ". mysql_error(). " with query : ". $query); 
echo "<span style='color:#330099;'><h3 align='center'>Form updaded successfully.</h3></span>";}


//query db to display info in form
$query = "SELECT * FROM traits WHERE username='$user'";
$result= mysql_query($query);
$info=mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_ASSOC) or die (mysql_error(). " with query : ". $query."<br>");

//display form


<br />
<br />
<br />


Here's the code for the form: (include())

<form action="charactertraits2.php" method="post">  
<table align="center">
<table border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="3" summary="List of Essential Character Traits">

<tr><td align="right"><b>AUTHOR (Username):</b></td>
<td><textarea rows="1" cols="40" name="user"><?php 
echo $_SESSION['username']?></textarea></td></tr>

<tr><td align="right"><b>TITLE:</b></td>
<td><textarea rows="1" cols="40" name="title"><?php 
echo $_POST['title']?></textarea></td></tr>

<tr><td align="right">Genre:</td><td><textarea rows="1" cols="40" name="character_name"><?php 
echo $_POST['genre']?></textarea></td></tr>

<tr><td align="right">Role:</td><td><select name="role" size="1">

<option value="Protagonist" name="Protagonist">Protagonist</option>
<option value="Contagonist" name="Contagonist">Contagonist</option>
<option value="Antagonist" name="Antagonist">Antagonist (Villain)</option>
<option value="Mentor" name="Mentor">Mentor</option>
<option value="Logic" name="Logic">Logic (Reason)</option>
<option value="Emotion" name="Emotion">Emotion (Heart)</option>
<option value="Sidekick" name="Sidekick">Sidekick (Blind Supporter)</option>
<option value="Skeptic" name="Skeptic">Skeptic (Naysayer)</option> 

<tfoot><td> </td><td colspan="3"><center>


    echo "<input type='submit' name='submit'>";
	echo "</form>"; 


So how can I have a form that submits to or updates the db, AND displays the data to the form?



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When, exactly, do you want the form to display the user submitted info?  Because if you have a correct submission (meaning, all info has been entered and entered correctly), at best you'll only display the session value with your current setup.

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That's what I discovered. If there is nothing yet in the db for a given user (username=session), I need to enter the info and then see what I have in the db.


If I already have a row for that user, I need to get the information from the database onto the form, update it if I want (i.e. edit text in the form), submit it, and the see the new info as pulled from the db.

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move lines


after line

$info=mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_ASSOC) or die (mysql_error(). " with query : ". $query."<br>");




change form

echo $_POST['title']?></textarea></td></tr>

<tr><td align="right">Genre:</td><td><textarea rows="1" cols="40" name="character_name"><?php 
echo $_POST['genre']?></textarea></td></tr>


echo $title;?></textarea></td></tr>

<tr><td align="right">Genre:</td><td><textarea rows="1" cols="40" name="character_name"><?php 
echo $genre;?></textarea></td></tr>

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To allow registered users to fill out a form, save their info to a db, and see the info on the form. If the user fills out the form for the first time, INSERT into the db. Otherwise, UPDATE the db. In both cases, show the results after the changes are made so the user can modify the info at will.

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//now extract file from db the eco it the way you want

//sample some select

select * from ewan where id = $_POST['']







<br><form  action="<?=$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']?>" method="post"  >

<input name="x" type="text"  />

<input name="hit_player_2" type="submit" value="submit">




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calling <? $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']?> or the file's own name makes no difference. Besides,

<? $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']?> doesn't work with the GoDaddy set up (they run php as CGI). I'm not entirely sure I have it set up on my hard drive the right way, either.

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Try this for each form field. I use it regularly:

<textarea rows="1" cols="40" name="title"><?php if(empty['$_POST'] && !empty($row['title'])) {echo $row['title'];} else {echo $_POST['title']; }?></textarea>


I did not pay attention to the rest of your code, so you might have to change the



good luck

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<textarea rows="1" cols="40" name="title"><?php if(empty($_POST) && !empty($info['title'])) 
{echo $info['title'];} else {echo $_POST['title']; }?></textarea>


Note that I had to change:





and adjust the variable $row to my variable $info


(took me a minute, and a duh moment while I took care of garbage, how fitting is that?)


It's beautiful, it makes perfect sense, I'm off to play with my shiny new form, but is there a way to do this once instead of repeating it in every field of the table?

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And after testing, I'm back to the same frustrating point.


If I log in (and create a session) for a user that already exists (i.e. there is a row in the table for the form with that username=session), everything is fine.


But if it's a new user, everything falls apart.


I keep running around in circles.


ARGH  :'(

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