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[SOLVED] Hyperlinking table cells to a PHP script


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Hi - apologies if this is a embarrassingly simple query (pretty new to PHP and a newbie to the forums), but if anyone could help that would be appreciated. Basically, I'm creating some test creator software for lecturers at my Uni. I have a Test History page where lecturers can view previous tests they have created (displayed in table format). This is straightforward php/mysql so far, however, I want to be able to hyperlink each test created so that the lecturer can drill into the details of a test if he wants. On clicking a hyperlinked test, a php script will be called which will take the specific test clicked as a GET parameter and will insert it into an SQL query which will return the details of that test on another page. However, I'm not quite sure how to implement this - I realise that I need to use a form in order to pass the parameter to a PHP script, but I don't know to get the hyperlink click to act as a form submission. If anyone can offer any advice that would be great - I've searched numerous forums and haven't found anything on this specific problem.



p.s here is the code as it stands


$username = $_SESSION['user'];

$query = mysql_query("select * from Test where createdBy = '".$username."'");

$numrows = mysql_num_rows($query);


if ($numrows != 0)  // If matching lecturer


echo "      <table border='1'>


<th>Test Name</th>

<th>Date Created</th>


for ($i=0;$i<$numrows;$i++)


$row = mysql_fetch_array($query);

$name = $row['name'];

$date = $row['dateCreated'];

$year = substr($date, 0, 4);

$month = substr($date, 5, 2);

$day = substr($date, 8, 2);

echo "<tr>";

echo "<td>".$name."</td>";

echo "<td>".$day."/".$month."/".$year."</td>";

echo "</tr>";


echo "</table>";

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how about adding a extra row which says


more info about this topic


with the topic id attach to it..


so it would be <a hef="whatever.com?$topic_id=123">


and on the next page just search for it.


select from table where topic_id=$_GET['topic_id'].

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If your table named Test has a unique id as a primary key then this shouldn't be too difficult.  Just include the id as a GET parameter in the URL.  Where you have:


echo "<td>".$name."</td>";


Change to this:


echo "<td><a href='test_detail.php?test_id=" . $id . "'>" . $name . "</a></td>";


Where I have test_detail.php, change this to the name of your detail page, and where I have $id, change this to the name of the id column in your database.




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thanks for both replies - that makes perfect sense and each test has a unique id so that part is straightforward


the main thing i had trouble understanding was how to actually submit the form to call the script without using a submit button - but by adding the item id into the url, that allows me to GET the test ID from the url


cheers for your time!



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