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Somebody HELP !!!!!!


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Im fairly new to php and ive recently encountered a problem. I dont know the exact term but parts of my site look like this:


" class="biglink" >Flash

( 0 resources)

" class="biglink" >CGI and Perl

( 0 resources)


" class="biglink" >ASP

( 0 resources)

" class="biglink" >Hosting

( 0 resources)


" class="biglink" >JavaScript

( 0 resources)

" class="biglink" >PHP

( 0 resources)


" class="biglink" >Linux

( 0 resources)

" class="biglink" >Mac

( 0 resources)


" class="biglink" >XML

( 0 resources)

" class="biglink" >Windows

( 0 resources)



I have an idea this might be a table.sql issue, but if any of you php gurus know where i could start looking i would be forever in your debt!!


Let me know what you think


Thanks Darryl

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The relevent code would help.


That was a users view of my site heres the index code view:



include_once "config.php";

include_once "left_index.php";

include_once "right_index.php";

function main()



<table width="420" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" dwcopytype="CopyTableCell">


    <td valign="top"> <table width="100%" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">




if ( isset($_REQUEST["msg"])&&$_REQUEST['msg']<>"")



            <br> <table align="center" bgcolor="#FEFCFC"  border="0" cellpadding="5" >


                <td><b><font face="verdana, arial" size="1" color="#666666">









}//end if





          <td> </td>



          <td><form name="form2" method="post" action="showcategory.php">

              <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2">


                  <td width="17%"><FONT color=#000000><strong><font color="#000000" size="2" >SEARCH</font></strong></FONT></td>

                  <td width="31%"><input type="text" name="keyword"></td>

                  <td width="24%"><select name="cid">


  $cats=mysql_query("select * from sbwmd_categories where pid=0");




                      <option value="<? echo $rst["id"]; ?>"><? echo $rst["cat_name"]; ?></option>


}//end while



                  <td width="28%"><input type="submit" name="Submit2" value="Go" class="input"></td>






          <td> </td>



          <td><table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#000000">


                <td height="25" background="images/bargb.gif"> <div align="left"><FONT color=#000000><strong> <font color="#FFFFFF" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">    <font color="#000000">Software

                    Categories </font></font></strong></FONT></div></td>



                <td bgcolor="#F3F3F3"><table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="1">


  $cats1=mysql_query("select * from sbwmd_categories where pid=0 ");









                      <? } //end if?>

                      <td width="50%" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" > <table width="100%">


                            <td width="55"> <img src="images/folder.gif" width="50" height="45"></td>

                            <td> <div align="justify"><font color="#FF0000" size="3">

                                <strong> <a href="showcategory.php?cid=<? echo $rst["id"]?>" class="biglink"?>"  class="biglink" ><? echo $rst["cat_name"]; ?></a>

                                </strong> <font color="#666666" size="1"><br>





/// GENERATE CLIST ////////////////////////////////////////////  

$rst1_query=mysql_query("Select * from sbwmd_categories where pid=" . $rst["id"]);


while ( $rst1=mysql_fetch_array($rst1_query) )


$clist.="," . $rst1["id"];

while ( $rst1=mysql_fetch_array($rst1_query) )


$clist.="," . $rst1["id"];



$rst1_query=mysql_query("Select * from sbwmd_categories where pid IN (" . $clist . ") and id not in ( ". $clist . ")") ;


/// CLIST GENERATED /////////////////////////////////////////


//echo "[" .  $clist . "]";



$rst1_query=mysql_query("Select count(*)  from sbwmd_softwares where approved='yes' and cid in (" . $clist . ")"  );



$items=$rst1[0]  ;

echo  $items ;  





                                resources)</font></font> </div></td>



                      <? if(($cnt%2)==0)




                    <? } //end if?>



}//end while


                  </table> </td>





      <p> </p>

      <table width="100%" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" dwcopytype="CopyTableRow">


          <td height="25" background="images/bargb.gif"> <div align="left"><FONT color=#000000><strong><font color="#000000" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">  

               Featured Resources</font></strong></FONT></div></td>



          <td bgcolor="#f3f3f3" ><table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="1">


  $featured_sites=mysql_query("select * from sbwmd_featuredads ");









                <? } //end if?>

                <td width="100%" bgcolor="#ffffff"> <div align="justify">

                    <a  class="insidelink" href="<? echo $rst["url"]; ?>" target="_blank" ?>" target="_blank"><? echo $rst["name_url"]; ?></a><br>

                    <font color="#666666"> <? echo str_replace("\n","<br>",$rst["fd_desc"]); ?></font></div><BR></td>

                <? if(($cnt%2)==0)




              <? } //end if?>



}//end while










}// end main




include_once "template.php";




Let me know if you need anything else:)


Thanks Darryl

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Now with highlighting!  (I haven't modified the code, apart from de-shortifying the opening php tags)


include_once "config.php";
include_once "left_index.php";
include_once "right_index.php";
function main()
<table width="420" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" dwcopytype="CopyTableCell">
    <td valign="top"> <table width="100%" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
if ( isset($_REQUEST["msg"])&&$_REQUEST['msg']<>"")
<table align="center" bgcolor="#FEFCFC"   border="0" cellpadding="5" >
                <td><font face="verdana, arial" size="1" color="#666666">

}//end if
          <td> </td>
          <td><form name="form2" method="post" action="showcategory.php">
              <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2">
                  <td width="17%"><FONT color=#000000><strong><font color="#000000" size="2" >SEARCH</font></strong></FONT></td>
                  <td width="31%"><input type="text" name="keyword"></td>
                  <td width="24%"><select name="cid">
           $cats=mysql_query("select * from sbwmd_categories where pid=0");
                      <option value="<? echo $rst["id"]; ?>"><? echo $rst["cat_name"]; ?></option>
               }//end while
                  <td width="28%"><input type="submit" name="Submit2" value="Go" class="input"></td>
          <td> </td>
          <td><table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#000000">
                <td height="25" background="images/bargb.gif"> <div align="left"><FONT color=#000000><strong> <font color="#FFFFFF" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">    <font color="#000000">Software
                    Categories </font></font></strong></FONT></div></td>
                <td bgcolor="#F3F3F3"><table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="1">
           $cats1=mysql_query("select * from sbwmd_categories where pid=0 ");
                      <?php } //end if?>
                      <td width="50%" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" > <table width="100%">
                            <td width="55"> <img src="images/folder.gif" width="50" height="45"></td>
                            <td> <div align="justify"><font color="#FF0000" size="3">
                                <strong> <a href="showcategory.php?cid=<?php echo $rst["id"]?>" class="biglink"?>"  class="biglink" ><? echo $rst["cat_name"]; ?>[/url]
                                </strong> <font color="#666666" size="1">

/// GENERATE CLIST ////////////////////////////////////////////          
   $rst1_query=mysql_query("Select * from sbwmd_categories where pid=" . $rst["id"]);
   while ( $rst1=mysql_fetch_array($rst1_query) )
    $clist.="," . $rst1["id"];
   while ( $rst1=mysql_fetch_array($rst1_query) )
   $clist.="," . $rst1["id"];
   $rst1_query=mysql_query("Select * from sbwmd_categories where pid IN (" . $clist . ") and id not in ( ". $clist . ")") ;
/// CLIST GENERATED /////////////////////////////////////////

//echo "[" .  $clist . "]";

$rst1_query=mysql_query("Select count(*)  from sbwmd_softwares where approved='yes' and cid in (" . $clist . ")"   );

$items=$rst1[0]  ;
echo  $items ;       
                                resources)</font></font> </div></td>
                      <?php if(($cnt%2)==0)
                    <?php } //end if?>
            }//end while
                  </table> </td>
      <p> </p>
      <table width="100%" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" dwcopytype="CopyTableRow">
          <td height="25" background="images/bargb.gif"> <div align="left"><FONT color=#000000><strong><font color="#000000" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">  
               Featured Resources</font></strong></FONT></div></td>
          <td bgcolor="#f3f3f3" ><table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="1">
           $featured_sites=mysql_query("select * from sbwmd_featuredads ");
                <?php } //end if?>
                <td width="100%" bgcolor="#ffffff"> <div align="justify">
                    <a   class="insidelink" href="<?php echo $rst["url"]; ?>" target="_blank" ?>" target="_blank"><? echo $rst["name_url"]; ?>[/url]

                    <font color="#666666"> <?php echo str_replace("\n","
",$rst["fd_desc"]); ?></font></div><BR></td>
                <?php if(($cnt%2)==0)
              <?php } //end if?>
            }//end while

}// end main

include_once "template.php";

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change line[code]<strong> <a href="showcategory.php?cid=<? echo $rst["id"]?>" class="biglink"?>"  class="biglink" ><? echo $rst["cat_name"]; ?></a>

to<a href="showcategory.php?cid=<? echo $rst["id"]?>" class="biglink"><? echo $rst["cat_name"]; ?></a>[/code]

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change line[code]<strong> <a href="showcategory.php?cid=<? echo $rst["id"]?>" class="biglink"?>"  class="biglink" ><? echo $rst["cat_name"]; ?></a>

to<a href="showcategory.php?cid=<? echo $rst["id"]?>" class="biglink"><? echo $rst["cat_name"]; ?></a>[/code]



Thankyou sooooooooooooooooooo Much, you fixed it !!!! check it out now its all clean:) http://www.simple-scripts-online.com



You are a true Guru!!


Thanks Darryl

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