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eregi is not displaying errors?


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Hi everyone,


the code below only display first occurance of false error message, infact i am sending both the email and password value in incorrect format of regexp.  So it should display both the errors when the functions are called.


Any help is greaty appreciated.




//declare variable 

// Ist function 
function validate_email($email) 
$regexp = "^([a-zA-Z0-9])+([\.a-zA-Z0-9_-])*@([a-zA-Z0-9_-])+(\.[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+)*\.([a-zA-Z]{2,6})$"; 

// validating the syntax of email 
if (!eregi($regexp, $email)) 
global $outdata; 
$outdata.= "Email contains illegal characters, Please use a valid email address."; 
return false; 

{return true;} 

//IInd function 

function validate_password($password) 
$regexp = "^([a-zA-Z0-9]{6,20})$"; 
// validating the syntax of password 
if (!eregi($regexp, $password)) 
global $outdata; 
$outdata.= "Password contains illegal characters, Please user letter, numbers only"; 
return false; 
{return true;} 

if (validate_email($email)  && validate_password($password)) 
//do something... 

echo $outdata; 

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Ah, i've finally got it - this was really annoying me. Once the first function in your if statement returns false, php doesn't bother to evaluate the second part of it(and therefore the function does not run) - obviously it would be a waste of processing power since it has already found out that the if statement will overall be false.


What you'll have to do, is fun the two functions and store the output into variables:

$email_success = validate_email($email);
$password_success = validate_password($password);
if($email_success === true && $password_success === true){
//both true
//one or more false

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