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[SOLVED] url acting cRaZy


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hey, sometimes the phpsession id pops up after the url occasionally. It comes and goes, especially after you wipe out you cache. Is there any way to prevent this from happening?


  include ('book_sc_fns.php');
  // The shopping cart needs sessions, so start one
  do_html_header('Welcome to !');

// echo '<font color = #FF0000> <p><b>Select a category below or a brand from above.</b></p></font>';

echo "<TABLE BORDER=1 bgcolor=#FFFFFF bordercolor=RED bordercolorlight=#33CCFF bordercolordark=RED CELLSPACING=1 ALIGN=left>";
  echo "<tr><td>";
  echo "<b>Please select a category below</b>";

  // get categories out of database
  $cat_array = get_categories();

  // display as links to cat pages
  echo "</tr></td>";
  echo "</table>";


  // if logged in as admin, show add, delete, edit cat links
    display_button('admin.php', 'admin-menu', 'Admin Menu');

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Normally this is controlled by a couple php settings:  use_trans_sid and user_only_cookies.  If you have access to your php.ini file you can change the first to 0, and the second to 1. 


If you don't have access to the php.ini but your host allows you to use htaccess, you could create an .htaccess file with the following:


  php_value session.use_trans_sid                0

  php_value session.use_only_cookies                1

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You'd just need to put that into your root html directory and you should be good.  It shouldn't affect your site at all as it just tells php how to track session ids, basically making sure to track them via cookie and not in the URL.

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