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functions which are not defined but which they can be called


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I'm curious if anyone knows such thing is possible or if this is possible how it can be done. I mean that you call a function, which is not defined using "function xxx" but by someother way, then when we recognize that the function we have called is in our function list array, then it calls a generic function which takes as argument some part of the function that exists in the function list. What I mean is something like this:

$functionList = array("myfunction1","myfunction2","myfunction3");

function myfunctionX($id,$X) {
  echo $id*$X . "<br />";

//....Code that check if the function name exists int the functionlist array...

myfunction1(10);  //Output: 10
myfunction2(10);  //Output: 20
myfunction3(10);  //Output: 30


When myfunction1 is called, we check that if it exists in the functionlist array. Then if it exists we call the generic myfunctionX() and send the number (myfunction1 => 1, myfunction2 => 2) as an argument of myfunctionX()


Well I hope it was clear for you to understand. I'm not sure how it's possible, it seems to me as a php hack but I'm not quite very sure. I appreciate if you show me some clues.


Thanks for your time.


Note: It's not only about begin lazy to write functions :)

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Well ok. Perhaps I should change the explanation type.


Let's say we have a class with some attribute: x,y,z,k. I have to write get and set method for them  if I define them private. Let's say that I did so. Now I have to do something like this:

get_k() { return $this->k;}
get_x() { return $this->x;}
get_y() { return $this->y;}
get_z() { return $this->z;}
set_k($val) { $this->k = $val;}
set_x($val) { $this->z = $val;}
set_y($val) { $this->y = $val;}
set_z($val) { $this->z = $val;}

As you see these methods are doig approximately the same thing. I can something like this instead:

get($key) { return $this->$key; }
set($key,$val) { return $this->$key = $val; }

This may be written wrong if you think the syntax but you get the idea I think.

But in this type of writing get_x() is not defined. I want that when I call get_x() it returns the value of get($key).

Yes of course I may use this:

get_x() { return $this->get("x"); }
set_x($val) {  $this->set("x",$val); }

It's ok but I have to write and define them. It's not about begin lazy to define them. It's about easy management. In this case inside of the function may not change a lot but with something a little complex things get boring with finding which functions are changed or not and which one must be changed. Instead of this kind of using.

$getfunctionlist = array("get_x","get_y","get_z","get_k");
$setfunctionlist = array("set_x","set_y","set_k","set_z");
//Something comes here to check if the above functions are called...
//and which that functions will call the below functions
get($key) { return $this->$key; }
set($key,$val) { $this->$key = $val; }


Why do I need this? Well it's about being a little lazy too of course but mostly, I was curious if such a thing can happen.


Thanks again for your time.

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