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[SOLVED] help on implode


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i need help.


how can i fix this error?

Warning: implode() [function.implode]: Bad arguments. in /var/www/html/myoochi/findit/propertyfindit.php on line 16


this is the page



how can i fix the code for my implode? currently if i didnt select anything in the checkbox, especially if i get went to the page

i will get this error, but once i get to the "Consumer Specific R" tab and select anything there, the error will be gone.


below is my codes for this page

$poitype = implode(",", $_GET['poitype']);

                        <table width="417" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
                          <form action="" method="get">
                              <td width="168" valign="top">
                                <input name="poitype[]" type="checkbox" value="9CCARE,9FLSCH,9JC,9KG,9PRI,9SEC,9SCARE,9TI">
                                <span class="style2">Education for Children</span><br>
                                <input name="poitype[]" type="checkbox" value="8FBAC,8OSBAC,8RBAC,8ACUMB,9ATM,8FBANK,8OBANK,8RBANK,8DBUMB">                                
                                <span class="style2">Financial Services</span><br>
                                <input name="poitype[]" type="checkbox" value="9RCLUB">
                                <span class="style2">Recreation</span><br>
                              <td width="187">
                                <input name="poitype[]" type="checkbox" value="19BDPT">
                                <span class="style2">Bus Deport/ Bus Park</span><br>
                                <input name="poitype[]" type="checkbox" value="MRT">
                                <span class="style2">MRT Station</span><br>
                                <input name="poitype[]" type="checkbox" value="9MOS,9SHTEM,9CHNTE,9INDTE,">
                                <span class="style2">Places of Worship</span><br>
                              <td colspan="2" valign="top"><input type="submit" name="Submit2" value="Submit"></td>
<? echo "$poitype"; ?>


hope you could help me with this.



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i replaced it as instructed

$poitype = implode(",", $_GET['poitype']);


if(isset($_GET['poitype']) and count($_GET['poitype']) > 0) $poitype = implode(",", $_GET['poitype']);


know i am getting errors on this line


Notice: Undefined variable: poitype in /var/www/html/myoochi/findit/propertyfindit.php on line 435

the code on this line is this

<? echo "$poitype"; ?>



whatelse should be done here?



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Unless I'm misreading your original code poitype is an array - that's how you define them in your form.  $_GET['poitype'] shouldn't return anything as you have no variable named $poitype, only array elements $poitype[0], $poitype[1] etc.

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if(isset($_GET['poitype']) and count($_GET['poitype']) > 0) $poitype = implode(",", $_GET['poitype']);


if(isset($_GET['poitype']) and count($_GET['poitype']) > 0) $poitype = implode(",", $_GET['poitype']); else $poitype = 'Nothing selected! ';

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