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Forum Contact "Card" - A Little R and D


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Still working on my site, which still will be several months... Learning a lot though.. Any ways. I'm writing my profile page and came across a question, how many people actually use the contact information? You know the MSN, AIM, ICQ and so on?


I know some people use it but I'm trying to decide if it's worth sticking in the profile. The profile is set up as a mini web page. The member can write articles and blogs and upload images to their gallery. So my thought is if the member can write what every they want (with in the TaCs - Terms and Conditions) would it be pointless to include a contact card?


Personally, if I wanted people to know my AIM, Email and so forth I'd include it in the about me field. But that's me what about you guys.

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By providing a specific field for that kind of information, you make it easier to interface your software with existing software that also uses that same information.


Otherwise, I don't usually include that type of information because I don't really want to be contacted.

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Yeah. Well my idea is if you people to contact you then you'll you'll probably say "PM Me". I know there are a lot of people who do like to give out contact information and I know people who have that need to talk to total strangers on line. I want to make this an interactive site but I don't want to include unnecessary features that no one will use.

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