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[SOLVED] Help with passing fields


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Hi. I got a problem with passing parameters, and hope for some help. The problem is as below:


I got a website, and would like to pass a field from one page to another. So forexample, if this is how the url will look like when someone comes into the site:




Then, there is a coding on the site:

$id = $_GET["id"];


and this allows me to get the id parameter and store it for use, so that on links in that page, I can just put:


www.mysite.com/linkpage2.php?id=<?echo $id ?>


and this will allow me to pass the id=xxx onto another page.



Now the problem is this. If suppose someone came and for some reason, the id=xxx field is missing. So their url will look like www.mysite.com. Now the $id = $_GET["id"] will give an empty field, and when someone hovers over the link, it will just show www.mysite.com/linkpage2.php?id= . Is there anyway to code it so that if $id is empty, as in this case, then it will automatically fill $id=noid or something similar, so that if someone hovers over the link, it will show www.mysite.com/linkpage2.php?id=noid . I tried putting this line in:


if ($id == "") {id == "noid";}


but it doesn't work. When hovering over the link, it still shows www.mysite.com/linkpage2.php?id= . Any suggestion/help greatly appreciated. Thanks.

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Hi AndyB, thanks for the help. Below is the code I got at the moment from my index.php file. So:




$id = $_GET["id"];

if ($id == "") {$id == "noid";}






<a href="list.php?id=<?echo $id?>">-Read more-</a>





So what till happen is when someone comes to my site, www.mysite.com?id=example , $id will be equal to example, and when people hover on the link for list.php, it will read www.mysite.com/list.php?id=example


For the second line if ($id == "") {$id == "noid";}, I was hoping that when people come to my site without any ?id, ie. www.mysite.com, then the $id for the list.php link will be replaced with www.mysite.com/list.php?id=noid intead of www.mysite.com/list.php?id= . Hoever, the code doesn't work, and when people hover over the list.php link, it still shows www.mysite.com/list.php?id=.


As suggested, I tried putting that code in the list.php page, so on list.php, it will have:




$id = $_GET["id"];

if ($id == "") {$id == "noid";}








Unfortunately it doesn't work as well. $id still shows up as nothing.  :(


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Try using:


if ($id == "") {$id = "noid";}


rather than:


if ($id == "") {$id == "noid";}



== is the comparison operator - so you use it to compare two values for equality

= is the assignment operator - you use this to give a variable a value.

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It works! Thanks AndyB, GingerRobot. I had to put that condition code on the target page (list.php), rather than the source page (index.php), and using if ($id == "") {$id = "noid";} as GingerRobot suggested. Thanks guys  ;D

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