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[SOLVED] Help with deleting from database, "SQL sytax error"

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Well I do that because it gets rid of html, and trim the space up. and (int) makes it so it has to return as an integer. Not like HeyBuddy, Or somthing fun. You should do things like this when you get values and insert shit into a db so it doesn't insert like html and code other people can add.


For fun I made a function to do it all.


function cleanstr($str)
	return trim(mysql_real_escape_string(strip_tags($str)));


Then if i know its in integer ill do like $com = (int) cleanstr($_GET['id']);


$com = (int) trim(mysql_real_escape_string(strip_tags($_GET['del'])));


A little overkill.


$com = isset($_GET['del'])?intval($_GET['del']):null; // convert the get data to int, this would prevent any foul data coming in

if (!is_null($com)) {
   // do query here.

$id = isset($_GET['id'])?intval($_GET['id']):null;

if (!is_null($id)) {
    // do select statement here


The issue you are having with the id is that no matter what you are running that query, even if no GET data was added on. Add that into your code and you should be fine.

$com = (int) trim(mysql_real_escape_string(strip_tags($_GET['del'])));


A little overkill.

How is that over kill?


Edit: Okay mabye the mysql_real_escape_string is a little much...


Hey whats the differen't between


$id = intval($_GET['id']);


$id = (int) $_GET['id'];

$com = (int) trim(mysql_real_escape_string(strip_tags($_GET['del'])));


A little overkill.

How is that over kill?


Edit: Okay mabye the mysql_real_escape_string is a little much...


Strip_tags is unnecessary because really we do not care if they are in there, once it is converted to an integer either way it does not matter. The trim is fine, but still unnecessary as stated above, once it is converted to an int it does not matter, all that text just magically disappears.


The bigger question is, if he is expecting an INT he should check to see if the string www.php.net/is_numeric


If it is not numeric obviously there is foul play and he should not even try to check it against the database.


if (isset($_GET['del']) && is_numeric($_GET['del'])) {
    $com = intval($_GET['del']); // for good measure
}else {
   $com = null;

if (!is_null($com)) {
   // do query here.

$id = isset($_GET['id'])?intval($_GET['id']):null;

if (!is_null($id)) {
    // do select statement here


You are just using unnecessary processing time with trim, mysql_real and strip_tags.

okay if it were a string I was inserting, would it be considered "over kill" then?


Nope as long as you didn't want any html in it. Depends on the field. I don't use strip_tags, I usually just convert the < and > to their html characters cause A lot of times I want to display code in my posts.


It all depends on what is needed/required =)

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