no_one Posted July 10, 2007 Share Posted July 10, 2007 Back to this again. I went through all my code, line-by-line, and found nothing wrong. I did a few other things to check for problems. I didn't figure I'd find any, since the problem makes no sense. The site I've been programming is nearly finished (on hold because of this problem) so I uploaded (for the first time) all files to my host server and got an error, after altering a few things (no real coding, just code cleanup while looking at every line), I get a different error, but the same file, same class, and same general area. Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_PUBLIC in /dir/file.php on line 31 (Note: dir/file.php isn't the real file path.. but w/e). <?php class myclass { public function __construct() // line 30 { // <-- line 31 ?> I've also deleted the 'public' as a test and still got the error. The problem I'm having is even after updating all my software to match or go higher than my host's versions (php 5.2.2) the code runs perfect on my computer, but I get the above error on the host. I do have error reporting set to show everything. I checked for unmatched brackets/braces/quotes, missing semi-colons, colons where it should be semi, etc. Nothing wrong AFAI-Can see.. Any suggestions? I'm seriously losing my mind. If not, then all I can think to do is get another host for a month and see if I get the same problem. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
JasonLewis Posted July 10, 2007 Share Posted July 10, 2007 hmm, well does something like this work? <?php class myclass { public function __construct(){ echo 'foobar'; } } $c = new myclass; ?> try running that and see if it works. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
no_one Posted July 10, 2007 Author Share Posted July 10, 2007 Hi Ty for the suggestion. Just tried it, and still got the same error, same line (the line where the echo is). Below is is the basic set up, the only thing that needed changing was moving the __ctor() open curly, and putting in an echo. Someone already pointed out the semi-colon on the end of my class, it doesn't hurt anything that I can see (I've removed them and still no help). <?php require_once("required.php"); class mclass { public function __construct(){ echo "page_construct"; $this->somemethod(); } /// other class code.. }; // ... $mc = new mclass(); ?> Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
jabe Posted August 11, 2009 Share Posted August 11, 2009 I am experiencing the very same thing. Works completed fine on my development machine but breaks when I upload it to the server. Could use a second pair of eyes. <? class DataGrid { private $Properties = array(); private $columns = array(); private $colsByIndex = array(); private $customCol = array(); private $customCommand = array(); private $filters = array(); /** * Object property setter method * * @access Public * @param String $name * @param Mixed $value */ public function __set($name, $value) { $this->Properties[$name] = $value; } /** * Object property getter method * * @access Public * @param String $name */ public function __get($name) { return array_key_exists($name, $this->Properties) ? $this->Properties[$name] : null; } public function __construct($ID=null, $tableName=null, $dataKeyName=null, $enableEdit=null, $endableUpdate=null, $enableDel=null, $enableInsert=null, $enableSel=null, $enableSort=null) { $this->ID = empty($ID) ? null : $ID; $this->Name = $this->ID; $this->Height = ''; $this->Width = ''; $this->CellPadding = 1; $this->CellSpacing = 1; $this->Border = 0; $this->Visible = true; $this->ButtonType = 'image'; $this->CssClass = ''; $this->Style = ''; $this->TableName = empty($tableName) ? null : $tableName; $this->DataKeyName = empty($dataKeyName) ? null : $dataKeyName; //$this->SelectCommand = empty($selectCmd) ? null : $selectCmd; //$this->UpdateCommand = empty($updateCmd) ? null : $updateCmd; //$this->DeleteCommand = empty($delCmd) ? null : $delCmd; $this->EnableEditing = empty($endableUpdate) ? false : $endableUpdate; $this->EnableUpdating = empty($enableEdit) ? false : $enableEdit; $this->EnableDeleting = empty($enableDel) ? false : $enableDel; $this->EnableInsert = empty($enableInsert) ? false : $enableInsert; $this->EnableSorting = empty($enableSort) ? false : $enableSort; $this->EnableSelect = empty($enableSel) ? false : $enableSel; $this->EditText = 'Edit'; $this->DeleteText = 'Delete'; $this->CancelText = 'Cancel'; $this->SelectText = 'Select'; $this->InsertText = 'Insert'; $this->EditImageUrl = ''; $this->SelectImageUrl = ''; $this->DeleteImageUrl = ''; $this->InsertImageUrl = ''; $this->CancelImageUrl = ''; $this->object = isset($_GET['obj']) ? $_GET['obj'] : null; $this->task = isset($_GET['task']) ? $_GET['task'] : null; $this->subtask = isset($_GET['subtask']) ? $_GET['subtask'] : null; $this->param = isset($_GET['id']) ? $_GET['id'] : null; } /** * Enter Description here... * * @access Public * @return Void */ public function __destruct() { } /** * Enter description here... * * @access Public * @param string $logic * @param string $name * @param string $operator * @param variant $value * @return Void */ public function AddFilter($logic=null,$name=null,$operator=null,$value=null) { if(is_string($value)) $value = '"'.$value.'"'; //$value = "'$value'"; $this->filters[] = $logic.' '.$name.' '.$operator.' '.$value.' '; } /** * Enter description here... * * @access Public * @param string $tableName * @param string $cols * @return Void */ public function SetSelect($cols=null) { if($this->SelectCommand == '') { $filter = ''; $newcols = ''; if(is_array($this->filters) && count($this->filters) > 0) { $filter = " WHERE "; for($x=0; $x < count($this->filters); $x++) { $filter .= $this->filters[$x]; } } if(is_array($this->columns) && count($this->columns) > 0) { foreach ($this->columns as $key => $value) { $newcols .= $key . " AS '".$value."', "; } $this->SelectCommand = 'SELECT '.$this->DataKeyName.','.substr($newcols,0,strrpos($newcols,',')).' FROM '.$this->TableName.$filter; }else { $this->SelectCommand = 'SELECT '.$this->DataKeyName.','.$cols.' FROM '.$this->TableName.$filter; } } } /** * Enter description here... * * @access Public * @param string $tableName * @param string $cols * @return Void */ public function Bind($cols=null) { $this->setSelect($this->TableName,$cols); } /** * Enter description here... * * @access Public * @return String */ public function Display() { $this->Bind(); $cntr = 0; $printed_headers = false; $isCustom = ''; $colAlign = ''; $return = '<div id="'.$this->ID.'">'.NEW_LINE. '<form name="'.$this->ID.'" method="post">'.NEW_LINE. '<table '. 'cellpadding="'.$this->CellPadding.'" '. 'cellspacing="'.$this->CellSpacing.'" '. 'border="'.$this->Border.'" '. 'height="'.$this->Height.'" '. 'width="'.$this->Width.'" '. 'style="'.$this->Style.'" '. 'class="'.$this->CssClass.'">'.NEW_LINE; if($this->controler($this->subtask, $this->param, $_POST) != '') { $this->Database->Open(); $this->Database->execute($this->controler($this->subtask,$this->param,$_POST)); $this->Database->Close(); header('Location: http://'.$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].$_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'].'?obj='.$this->object.'&task='.$this->task.'&subtask=&id='); }else { $this->Database->Open(); $rs = $this->Database->getRecordset($this->SelectCommand); if($this->Database->getRowCount($rs) > 0) { while($row = $this->Database->getRecords($rs)) { $count = 0; if(!$printed_headers) { //print the headers once: $return .= '<tr>'.NEW_LINE; if($this->EnableEditing || $this->EnableDeleting || $this->EnableSelecting) $return .= '<th width="25"> </th>'.NEW_LINE; foreach(array_keys($row) AS $header) { //you have integer keys as well as string keys because of the way PHP handles arrays. if(!is_int($header) && $header != $this->DataKeyName) $return .= '<th nowrap>'.$header.'</th>'.NEW_LINE; } $return .= '</tr>'.NEW_LINE; $printed_headers = true; } //print the data row $return .= '<tr'.$this->alter($cntr).'><a name="'.$row[$this->DataKeyName].'">'.NEW_LINE; if($this->EnableEditing || $this->EnableDeleting) $return .= '<td nowrap align="center">'.$this->GetCommandButtons($this->subtask, $this->param, $row[$this->DataKeyName]).'</td>'.NEW_LINE; foreach($row AS $key=>$value) { if(!is_int($key) && $key != $this->DataKeyName) { if(is_array($this->customCol) && $this->customCol[$count] == $this->colsByIndex[$count]) { $isCustom = true; $colAlign = ' align="center" '; }else { $isCustom = false; $colAlign = ' align="left" '; } $return .= '<td'.$this->isFirst($cntr).$colAlign.'>'; if($this->param == $row[$this->DataKeyName]) { // Check to see if we need to show a custom column if($isCustom) $return .= '<a href="'.$this->customCommand[$count].'&id='.$value.'" title="Edit"><img src="'.$this->EditImageUrl.'" border="0"></a>'; else $return .= '<input type="text" name="'.$this->colsByIndex[$count].'" value="'.$value.'" style="width:100%;" class="">'; }elseif($this->param != $row[$this->DataKeyName]) { // Check to see if we need to show a custom column if($isCustom) $return .= '<a href="'.$this->customCommand[$count].'&id='.$value.'" title="Edit"><img src="'.$this->EditImageUrl.'" border="0"></a>'; else $return .= $value.' '; } $return .= '</td>'.NEW_LINE; $count++; } } $return .= '</tr>'.NEW_LINE; $cntr++; } $this->Database->release($rs); } } $return .= '</table>'.NEW_LINE. '</form>'.NEW_LINE. '</div>'.NEW_LINE; $this->Database->Close(); if($this->Visible) return $return; else return ''; } /** * Enter description here... * * @access Public * @param string $name * @param string $text * @return Void */ public function AddColumn($name=null, $text=null, $custom=null, $obj=null, $task=null) { $this->columns[$name] = $text; $this->colsByIndex[] = $name; // Add a custom column to this array index if($custom) { $this->customCol[] = $name; $this->customCommand[] = '?obj='.$obj.'&task='.$task.'&subtask=edit'; }else // Not a custom column { $this->customCol[] = ''; $this->customCommand[] = ''; } } /** * Enter description here... * * @access Private * @param string $qsTask * @param integer $qsID * @param integer $dbID * @return String */ private function GetCommandButtons($qsTask, $qsID, $dbID) { if(!isset($qsTask)) { if($this->EnableEditing) $buttons = $this->GetButtonType('Edit',$dbID,$this->ButtonType,$this->EditImageUrl).NEW_LINE; if($this->EnableDeleting) $buttons.= $this->GetButtonType('Delete',$dbID,$this->ButtonType,$this->DeleteImageUrl).NEW_LINE; }elseif($qsID == $dbID) { $buttons = $this->GetButtonType('Save',$dbID,$this->ButtonType,$this->SaveImageUrl).NEW_LINE. $this->GetButtonType('Cancel',$dbID,$this->ButtonType,$this->CancelImageUrl).NEW_LINE; }elseif($qsID != $dbID) { if($this->EnableEditing) $buttons = $this->GetButtonType('Edit',$dbID,$this->ButtonType,$this->EditImageUrl).NEW_LINE; if($this->EnableDeleting) $buttons.= $this->GetButtonType('Delete',$dbID,$this->ButtonType,$this->DeleteImageUrl).NEW_LINE; } return $buttons; } /** * Enter description here... * * @access Private * @param string $task * @param integer $id * @param string $btnType * @param string $imgPath * @return string */ private function GetButtonType($task, $id, $btnType, $imgPath=null) { if(strtolower($task) == 'cancel') $action = '?'; else $action = '?obj='.$this->object.'&task='.$this->task.'&subtask='.strtolower($task).'&id='.$id.'#'.$id; switch (strtolower($btnType)) { case 'link': $return = '<a href="'.$action.'" title="'.$task.'">'.$task.'</a> '; break; case 'button': $return = '<input type="button" name="button" value="'.$task.'" onclick="location.href=\''.$action.'\'" title="'.$task.'">'; break; case 'image': if($task == 'Edit' && $task != 'Delete') $return = '<a href="'.$action.'" title="'.$task.'"><img src="'.$imgPath.'" border="0" style="padding:3px;"></a> '; else { if($task == 'Delete') $return = '<a href="'.$action.'" title="'.$task.'" onclick="return confirm(\'Are you sure you want to delete this record?\');"><img src="'.$imgPath.'" border="0" style="padding:3px;"></a> '; else $return = '<input type="image" name="button" value="'.strtolower($task).'" id="'.strtolower($task).'" title="'.$task.'" src="'.$imgPath.'" style="padding:3px;">'; } break; } return $return; } /** * Enter description here... * * @access Private * @param string $task * @param integer $id * @param array $postVars * @return string */ private function Controler($task,$id,$postVars) { $strSql = ''; if(strtolower($task) == 'edit') { if(isset($postVars['button'])) { switch(strtolower($postVars['button'])) { case 'save': $strSql = 'UPDATE '.$this->TableName.' SET '.$this->getUpdateFields().' WHERE '.$this->DataKeyName.'='.$id; break; case 'cancel': header('Location: http://'.$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].$_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'].'?obj='.$_GET['obj'].'&task='.$_GET['task'].'&subtask=&id='); break; } } }elseif(strtolower($task) == 'delete') { $strSql = 'DELETE FROM '.$this->TableName.' WHERE '.$this->DataKeyName.'='.$id; } return $strSql; } /** * Enter description here... * * @access Private * @return string */ private function GetUpdateFields() { $keyValues = ''; foreach($_POST AS $key=>$value) { if($key != 'button_x' && $key != 'button_y' && $key != 'button') { if(is_int($value)) $keyValues .= $key."=".$value.","; else $keyValues .= $key."='".$value."',"; } } return substr($keyValues,0,strrpos($keyValues,',')); } /** * Enter description here... * * @param string $name * @return string */ private function GetColumn($name) { if (array_key_exists($name, $this->columns)) return $this->columns[$name]; else return ''; } /** * Enter description here... * * @return array */ private function GetColumns() { return $this->columns; } } ?> Implementation looks like this: // Initialize the grid control properties to be used to edit the records $Grid = new DataGrid('grdTable','tableName','primaryID',true,true,true,true,true,true); $Grid->AddColumn('AddressID','Address',true,'Address','Manage'); $Grid->AddColumn('ContactInfoID','Contact',true,'Contact','Manage'); $Grid->AddColumn('CourseName','Name'); $Grid->AddColumn('CoursePar','Par'); $Grid->Width = '100%'; $Grid->ButtonType = 'image'; $Grid->EditImageUrl = EDIT_ICON; $Grid->DeleteImageUrl = DELETE_ICON; $Grid->SaveImageUrl = SAVE_ICON; $Grid->CancelImageUrl = CANCEL_ICON; $return .= $Grid->Display(); Obviously there are things missing... ignore the constants and the database methods, I have those proven to work in other areas of the application. Any help would be much appreciated! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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