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Can anyone help me with this code? here is what I want to do. This block of code works well to insert the data in my table, but what I want it to do is actually update the data that is already there and if no data is there to insert new data. What it keeps doing is adding another row of data instead of replacing the data with the new info. Here is the code.



   $heading   = $_POST['heading'];
   $updates = $_POST['updates'];

      $heading   = addslashes($heading);
      $updates = addslashes($updates);


   $query = " INSERT INTO news (heading, updates) ".
            " VALUES ('$heading', '$updates')";
   mysql_query($query) or die('Error ,query failed');

   include 'library/closedb.php';

   echo "Update '$heading' added";

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Cant belive your asking this but......


Are you intending to have only one record in the database, if so then you can simply use the following...


$query = " UPDATE news SET heading='$heading', updates='$updates'";


But surly you will be adding more records as time goes by in which case you'll need to use the ID of thr recod you want to update.  like the following...


$query = " UPDATE news SET heading='$heading', updates='$updates' WHERE table_name_id='$ID'";



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Your table needs to have a unique field. I'm not sure if heading is unique in your table, but I will assume it is for example purposes:



  $heading   = $_POST['heading'];
  $updates = $_POST['updates'];

     $heading   = addslashes($heading);
     $updates = addslashes($updates);

 $query = "SELECT heading FROM news WHERE heading = '$heading'";
 $result = mysql_query($query) or DIE ('Error ,query failed<br>'.mysql_error());

 if (mysql_num_rows($result)==0) { //New record

   $query = "INSERT INTO news (heading, updates)
                 VALUES ('$heading', '$updates')";
   mysql_query($query) or DIE ('Error ,query failed<br>'.mysql_error());
   echo "'$heading' added";

 } elseif (mysql_num_rows($result)) { //Update record

   $query = "UPDATE news
                 SET heading = '$heading', updates='$updates'
                 WHERE heading = '$heading'";
   mysql_query($query) or DIE ('Error ,query failed<br>'.mysql_error());
   echo "'$heading' updated";

 } else { //Error more than 1 match

   echo "Error: there were more than 1 records that matched this entry.";


  include 'library/closedb.php';



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What he is saying is that he wants to do a check to see if it is already set, if it is then update if not then insert a new record. You can use the following as some test code.



   $heading   = $_POST['heading'];
   $updates = $_POST['updates'];

      $heading   = addslashes($heading);
      $updates = addslashes($updates);


$select=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM news WHERE heading='$heading' AND updates='$updates'");


   $query = " INSERT INTO news (heading, updates) ".
            " VALUES ('$heading', '$updates')";
   mysql_query($query) or die('Error ,query failed');

   include 'library/closedb.php';
echo "Inserted '$heading' added as a new record";


$query = " UPDATE news updates='$updates' WHERE heading='$heading'";
  mysql_query($query) or die('Error ,query failed');

  include 'library/closedb.php';

   echo "'$heading' Updated with the current information";


I am not sure what you key is on that table so you WILL need to modify this code.

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GUYS I know you are trying to help me and its annoying to keep asking. Anyway, I am only a week old where php is concerned so if I seem a little confused please bear with me.   The last 3 reply to my question didn't help much .The first from gloveny didn't do anything when i inserted it...the second from mjdamato was good but it kept inserting a new record instead of replacing the one thats already there. And the third from mpharo kept giving me a Parse error, unexpected T_VARIABLE in...


Ok guys let me explain again what i want to do. The table should contain one record. The query should check to see if there is a record. If there is one then its updated, if not then one is added. The key for that table is heading. Here is the original code again guys. (Oh by the way I did not write this code i am only trying to modify it) :-) thanks.







   $heading   = $_POST['heading'];

   $updates = $_POST['updates'];




      $heading   = addslashes($heading);

      $updates = addslashes($updates);




   $query = " INSERT INTO news (heading, updates) ".

            " VALUES ('$heading', '$updates')";

   mysql_query($query) or die('Error ,query failed');


   include 'library/closedb.php';


   echo "Update '$heading' added";




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You have been helped dude. The last 2 posts are exactly what you want.


If mpharos gives an error POST the whole error message, including the line.


Understand that they have helped, whether you can get it to work or not is another question.


Their reply's are valid and the logic is correct. With a reply like that I would doubt anyone would want to help you anymore, you may have just lost all chances by doing that crap.

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hi frost what did i do wrong? I was just trying to explain myself. I tested each code and trying to explain what happened when i did. I can understand that the fact that you know it makes for a little arrogance but the whole essence of asking a question is to learn the answer. I am not trying to offend dear sir if that is what you are instigating. Why dont we have dialog where instead of telling me how dumb I am why dont you try to help me? (i did say I started a week ago)

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Just use UPDATE instead of SELECT. Basically if you have just one record it will over write it (meeting one of your conditions as you've stated above 'The query should check to see if there is a record. If there is one then its updated,') and if one doesn't exist it will insert it (meeting your second condition 'if not then one is added.').



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Thanks a million mjdamato your script worked. I changed the primary to id and it worked. I am just not sure why I couldn't keep using heading as the key. Thanks a lot all you guys.



Your table needs to have a unique field. I'm not sure if heading is unique in your table, but I will assume it is for example purposes:



  $heading   = $_POST['heading'];
  $updates = $_POST['updates'];

     $heading   = addslashes($heading);
     $updates = addslashes($updates);

 $query = "SELECT heading FROM news WHERE heading = '$heading'";
 $result = mysql_query($query) or DIE ('Error ,query failed<br>'.mysql_error());

 if (mysql_num_rows($result)==0) { //New record

   $query = "INSERT INTO news (heading, updates)
                 VALUES ('$heading', '$updates')";
   mysql_query($query) or DIE ('Error ,query failed<br>'.mysql_error());
   echo "'$heading' added";

 } elseif (mysql_num_rows($result)) { //Update record

   $query = "UPDATE news
                 SET heading = '$heading', updates='$updates'
                 WHERE heading = '$heading'";
   mysql_query($query) or DIE ('Error ,query failed<br>'.mysql_error());
   echo "'$heading' updated";

 } else { //Error more than 1 match

   echo "Error: there were more than 1 records that matched this entry.";


  include 'library/closedb.php';



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