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I'm working on a website that uses a PHP admin system for the client to alter sql databases, etc. in a simple interface.


I've set up a testing server on my local disk (using mamp). However, when I try to log in to the admin page, I just get redirected to index.php, rather than having my login accepted and being sent to admin.php. No errors are reported, I just get a refresh of the login page.


I uploaded this particular admin site folder (renamed it) to the remote server and it worked~!! So there is some problem not allowing me to do so on the localhost test server. I'd be really appreciative if someone had some suggestions, as I'd like to view the page on my test server.



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Hi Thorpe.

Thanks for replying. I've just taken over working on the site and did not write the admin system. Should I post the relevant code here or PM it to you?


Thanks so much for your help!




Paste it here. Remember to use the [ code ] and [/ code ] tags


But as far as why it works on the remote server and not your local, most likely the cookies are not being accepted. Since you are working with localhost I would suggest reading this article on how to properly set cookies for localhost.




But remember that you do not want to use that code on production as it will not work properly.

Here is the index.php code. Quick question...why is the first line of code "$adminlogin = $_REQUEST......" preceded by "//"? Doesn't that render the code as a comment?



//$adminlogin = $_REQUEST['adminlogin'];$password = $_REQUEST['password'];$login = $_REQUEST['login'];
if (!$admin) {

if (!$login) {
$LogError = ($logerror);

echo ("

<title>Sterling Homes Admin Section</title>
<p align=\"center\">
<image src=\"../images/logo.jpg\" border=0><p>

<FONT FACE ='Tahoma, Verdana, Arial'>
<p align='center'><font color='#990033'><big><big>Admin</big></big><big><big> Login</big></big><br> 

<form ACTION='index.php' METHOD='post' name='FrontPage_Form1'> 
                    <center> <table BORDER='0' width='290'> 
                                     <td ALIGN='right' colspan='2' bgcolor='#990033' width='238'> </td> 
                                     <td ALIGN='right' width='84'><font color='#990033'><b>Admin
                                     <td width='148'><input TYPE='text' size='20' NAME='adminlogin'></td> 
                                     <td ALIGN='right' width='84'><font color='#990033'><b>Password</b>:</font></td> 
                                     <td width='148'><input TYPE='password' size='20' NAME='password'></td> 
                                     <td ALIGN='right' width='84'></td> 
                                     <td width='148'><input name='login' TYPE='submit' VALUE='Login'> 
                                             <input TYPE='reset' VALUE='Reset'> 
                                     <td ALIGN='right' width='238' colspan='2' bgcolor='#990033'> </td> 

} else {

// Process Admin Login
require ("admin_config.php");

// open connection to database
$connection = mysql_connect($hostname, $user, $pass) or die ("Unable to connect!");
mysql_select_db($database) or die ("UNABLE TO SELECT DATABASE");

$result = mysql_query("select * from sterling_website.admins where admin = '$adminlogin' and password='$password'");

if ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
// match


	$dte = date("m/d/Y");
	$tme = date("H:i:s");

	$result = mysql_query("INSERT INTO tblLog (fldUserName, fldIP, fldTime, fldDate, fldInOut) VALUES ('$adminlogin','$ip', '$tme','$dte','In')");
	header("Location: admin.php");

	} else {
	header("Location: index.php?logerror=Login Incorrect");

} else {
header("Location: admin.php");


Quick question...why is the first line of code "$adminlogin = $_REQUEST......" preceded by "//"? Doesn't that render the code as a comment


Yes, it is a comment. Probably put there for some debugging purposes.


The problem with this code is that it assumes register globals are on. An easy fix would be to turn register globals on in your local php.ini (They must allready be off on the remote site). however, doing so poses a security issue. hence register globals are off by default now days.


The best thing to do would be fix the code. eg;


if (!$admin) {




if (!$_POST['admin']) {

After updating the code and trying to login to the admin page on my localhost I get sent to admin/index.php?logerror=Login%20Incorrect. The login page itself once again refreshes. I know that the username and password I am using are correct because I'm viewing it now in the sql database. hmmmmm

$connection = mysql_connect($hostname, $user, $pass) or die ("Unable to connect!");
mysql_select_db($database) or die ("UNABLE TO SELECT DATABASE");


Just an FYI the $_POST bit only applies to variables that have been posted, it would not apply to "$hostname" etc. Incase you did modify those to that also.


Post the updated code.

I have only changed the 'admin' and 'login' as seen below.



//$adminlogin = $_REQUEST['adminlogin'];$password = $_REQUEST['password'];$login = $_REQUEST['login'];
if (!$_POST['admin']) {

if (!$_POST['login']) {
$LogError = ($logerror);

echo ("

<title>Sterling Homes Admin Section</title>
<p align=\"center\">
<image src=\"../images/logo.jpg\" border=0><p>

<FONT FACE ='Tahoma, Verdana, Arial'>
<p align='center'><font color='#990033'><big><big>Admin</big></big><big><big> Login</big></big><br> 

<form ACTION='index.php' METHOD='post' name='FrontPage_Form1'> 
                    <center> <table BORDER='0' width='290'> 
                                     <td ALIGN='right' colspan='2' bgcolor='#990033' width='238'> </td> 
                                     <td ALIGN='right' width='84'><font color='#990033'><b>Admin
                                     <td width='148'><input TYPE='text' size='20' NAME='adminlogin'></td> 
                                     <td ALIGN='right' width='84'><font color='#990033'><b>Password</b>:</font></td> 
                                     <td width='148'><input TYPE='password' size='20' NAME='password'></td> 
                                     <td ALIGN='right' width='84'></td> 
                                     <td width='148'><input name='login' TYPE='submit' VALUE='Login'> 
                                             <input TYPE='reset' VALUE='Reset'> 
                                     <td ALIGN='right' width='238' colspan='2' bgcolor='#990033'> </td> 

} else {

// Process Admin Login
require ("admin_config.php");

// open connection to database
$connection = mysql_connect($hostname, $user, $pass) or die ("Unable to connect!");
mysql_select_db($database) or die ("UNABLE TO SELECT DATABASE");

$result = mysql_query("select * from sterling_website.admins where admin = '$adminlogin' and password='$password'");

if ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
// match


	$dte = date("m/d/Y");
	$tme = date("H:i:s");

	$result = mysql_query("INSERT INTO tblLog (fldUserName, fldIP, fldTime, fldDate, fldInOut) VALUES ('$adminlogin','$ip', '$tme','$dte','In')");
	header("Location: admin.php");

	} else {
	header("Location: index.php?logerror=Login Incorrect");

} else {
header("Location: admin.php");


When I turned the "$adminlogin = $_REQUEST['adminlogin'];$password = $_REQUEST['password'];$login = $_REQUEST['login'];" back on only one thing changed. When I tried logging in I was sent back to




whereas with the commenting on...here is what appears in the address bar:



Sorry... that whole top section actually looks a little ilogical. $admin doesn't exist within the script so... I think the top actually needs to be...


$adminlogin = $_REQUEST['adminlogin'];$password = $_REQUEST['password'];$login = $_REQUEST['login'];
//if (!$admin) {


However, it makes little sense that it would be working on your remote server the way it is.

Then after I attempt to login, the page goes blank. Just wondering, do you think there is any code in the admin.php page that I am trying to reach through the login that needs to be altered?


if (!$_POST['admin']) {
header("Location: index.php");

require ("admin_config.php");
include ("header.txt");

<title>Sterling Homes Admin</title>
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