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i am running apache 1.3.12 on windows nt 2000 with oracle 9i.

i am runnins a virtual host with verisign ssl key

i renew my ssl key last week and i am not able to install it.

the apache process stay in starting state with the new keys.

no errors in logfiles (i think)

and the site doesnt work....


help please

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Do you start apache on the commandline?


Open up a Command Prompt, and start apache using apachectl start (or -k start), and see if you see an error on startup.


You can also check your config files which may or maynot include the ssl key by going:

apachectl -t


Apart from that, perhaps open up the ssl key in notepad etc. and see if it looks similar to what you had before.



I foud the problem using

loglevel debug in the conf file


the problem is that apache was looking for the password of the priv key


we remove the pass from the priv key with

openssl rsa -in priv.key -out privnopass.key


replace the filename in the httpd.conf


and YES it works.

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