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[SOLVED] I am new to setting up a linux web server


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I am new to setting up a linux server but not new to php, apache, and mySQL. My plan is I want to host a website at home on a linux server but I am not sure what Linux platform to use.  Also I will be using L.A.M.P. as a web server.


I have a P4 processor, 512 RAM and 80 gig hard drive.  I am looking something that is relatively simple because I dont have the time to sit down and learn all the configurations that is involved in some open source software .  I have looked at FreeBSD and Fedora.  Can someone reccomend a Linux OS that would make a great web hosting server and easy to install?

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I know this question can have more than one answer depending on personal taste.  now that I am doing some research I am liking Fedora but I see alot of info on Ubuntu in this forum. can someone share what kind of set up they have. or what is known to be a secure effecient web server. any comments is gladly appreciate it. thanks.

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I use gentoo on all machines including a few webservers. its probably not the best distro for a webserver as everything needs to be compiled from source so maintainence can be a lot of wor at times.


Anyway... to my point. While Ubuntu is considered a great newbie type distro I would think its big brother debian may make a better server. Servers should be pretty minimal and debian allows this. Then again, Ubuntu server may be different to Ubuntu in this same sense. Ive just never been a fan.


If you want true security your going to need to put allot of work into learning Linux. You would need to start looking at hardened kernels and the like and also selinux. Really any Linux distro can be a good server, you just need to know how to configure it properly.


PS: The BSD's (which, by the way are not Linux) make very good servers aswell. Very minimal out of the box, plus easy to maintain.

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