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search string partially


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I search this string for non-alpha numeric chars and get rid of them.


$my2 = preg_replace("/[^a-zA-Z0-9s]/", "", $my);


What i want to do is the same but allow the string to keep a '.' or a '_' (dot and underscore).


eg my3_one.txt    is a string i would allow but

my3*one.txt is not allowed.


How do i do this ?

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This doesn't replace a '.' fullstop when places at the end of a string.

What else doesn't this do?


if i enter    wewew.


(the fullstop at the end still appears)


$title=(str_replace(".", "", $title));

$title2 = preg_replace("/[^a-zA-Z0-9s]/", "", $title);

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if (!ctype_alnum(str_replace(array(".","_"),"",$title)){
}elseif (ctype_alnum(str_replace(array(".","_"),"",$title)){



This Checks $title for letters and numbers. A . and _ are allowed within the $title.

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I don't want any '.' fullstops in my string. I want them deleted .

This fails to do this why?


$title2 = preg_replace("/[^a-zA-Z0-9s]/", "", $title);


I dont fully understand what this does but is it possible to still use pregreplace?

I only want numbers and letters and that is it, no other char allowed.



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This is a different q) than the first sorry.


This still fails to work if you have a fullstop at the end of a string $title


$title2 = preg_replace("/[^a-zA-Z0-9\.]/", "", $title);


if (strcmp($title2,$title)>0) //wont detect the fullstop at the end of string



    header( "Location: ". $myvar."/upmessage.php" );




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When i validate  a name as in uploaded filename i can't remove all nonalphanumeric chars with this preg_replace  (ex the . and _ char)


I can't remove the quote ` symbol from $filename.

I do the 2 lines below 1st .


$filename=  $_FILES['uploadedfile']['name'];

$filename=str_replace(" ", "_", $filename)  ;


this fails to remove ` symbol

$file2= preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9\.\_ ]+/i', '', $filename);


this works but i don't want to use it.

// $filename=str_replace("`", "", $filename) ;


this fails

if ( strpos($filename,"`")===true)



I want to compare the original to see if there is any no alpha chars ex for . _ and no spaces. If there is say a ` or % then simply redirect but the strcmp seems to fail.



if (strcmp($filename,$file2)!=0)



    header( "Location: ". $myvar."/upfile.php" );



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redo above



Now i want to detect whether a non alphanumic char is present except for the . and _ char. and then redirect page.


I cant do this as this fails redirect page ,if a string that has non alphanumic char is present like the ` char


$filename= $_FILES['uploadedfile']['name'];

$filename=str_replace(" ", "_", $filename) ;

// $filename=str_replace("`", "", $filename) ;

$file2= preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9\.\_ ]+/i', '', $filename);




$file2= mysql_real_escape_string($filename);



if (strcmp($filename,$file2)!=0)



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