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I Made A Login Script For A Website But i need Help To Make It So The Person Who Is logged In Can View Thier Name On The Side Of The Page And So That When They Post Something There Username Gets Posted As Well!

The Script Is:



$userlog = $_POST["username"];

echo $userlog;



But I Cant Seem To Figure Out How To Get The Username To Be Shown Until They Destroy The Session


  Any Help Would Be Appreciated!!

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I Dont Really understand My Script For Login Is A Follows Just Please Add The Script Where I Need It!


if (session_is_registered("CID")){

$showtable = false;



<title><?php $name ?></title>

<link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css" type="text/css" />

<body bgcolor="#64748B">


<table width="850" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">

<tr bgcolor="#26354A">

<td width="514" nowrap="nowrap"><p align="right" class="logo">VirAir International       <br>

<span class="tagline">Paving The Skies In Flight Simulator                   </span></td>

<td width="50" height="70" nowrap="nowrap" class="logo"><p class="logo">


<td width="286"><?php

            if ($showtable){

$_SESSION['username'] = $row['username'];


  <form action="<?php print "$PHP_SELF"; ?>" method="POST">

    <table border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2">


            <td class="flights">Username: </td>

            <td><input type="text" name="username" value="" />




            <td class="flights">Password: </td>

            <td><input type="password" name="password" value="" />




            <td class="flights"> </td>

            <td><input type="submit" name="userlogin" value="Login" /></td>







        <a href="index.php?page=modiinfo">Modify Information</a> | <a href="index.php?page=modipass">Modify Password</a> | <a href="index.php?page=logout">Logout</a>








<table width="854" border="0">

      <td class="NavTop">




    if ($showtable){

//Non Logged In Members Below


<a href="index.php?page=signup">Sign Up!</a>




//Logged Members Below!


<a href="index.php?page=postflight">Post Flight</a>



?> </td>

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In order for you to use session variables you need to call the session_start(); function first. Also you can eliminate a step by checking if your session variable is initialized.


<?php session_start(); ?>
<title><?php echo "$name"; ?></title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css" type="text/css" />
<body bgcolor="#64748B">
<table width="850" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
   <tr bgcolor="#26354A">
   <td width="514" nowrap="nowrap"><p align="right" class="logo">VirAir International       

   <span class="tagline">Paving The Skies In Flight Simulator                   </span></td>
   <td width="50" height="70" nowrap="nowrap" class="logo"><p class="logo">
   <td width="286"><?php
            if (!$_SESSION['username']){
         $_SESSION['username'] = $row['username'];
     <form action="<?php print "$PHP_SELF"; ?>" method="POST">
       <table border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2">
            <td class="flights">Username: </td>
            <td><input type="text" name="username" value="" />
            <td class="flights">Password: </td>
            <td><input type="password" name="password" value="" />
            <td class="flights"> </td>
            <td><input type="submit" name="userlogin" value="Login" /></td>
        <a href="index.php?page=modiinfo">Modify Information[/url] | <a href="index.php?page=modipass">Modify Password[/url] | <a href="index.php?page=logout">Logout[/url]
<table width="854" border="0">
      <td class="NavTop">
    if (!$_SESSION['username']){
   //Non Logged In Members Below
   <a href="index.php?page=signup">Sign Up![/url]
   //Logged Members Below!
   <a href="index.php?page=postflight">Post Flight[/url]
   ?>   </td>


you may need to modify it a little but you should get the picture.

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I Am Sorry I Am Porbably Making All Of You Guys So Mad! I Dint post the entire script last time so unfourtunitly here is my index.php script:


$db = new CustomSQL($DBName);
$showtable = true;
$errortag = false;
if (!empty($userlogin)) {

if (empty($username)){
$errortag = true;
$errormsg = $error_usernameempty;

if (empty($password)){
$errortag = true;
$errormsg = $error_passwordempty;

$customerid = $db->logincheck($username,$password);
if ($customerid==0) {
$errortag = true;
$errormsg = $error_wrongpassword;

if (!$errortag){
$_SESSION["CID"] = $customerid;
$CID = $customerid;
$showtable = false;


if (session_is_registered("CID")){
$showtable = false;
if (!empty($adduser)) {

if (empty($username)){
$errortag = true;
$errormsg = $error_usernameempty;

if (empty($password)){
$errortag = true;
$errormsg = $error_passwordempty;

if (empty($email)){
$errortag = true;
$errormsg = $error_emailempty;

$usernamecheckresult = $db->checkusername($username);
if (!empty($usernamecheckresult)) {
$errortag = true;
$errormsg = $error_userexist;

if ($password!=$passretype){
$errortag = true;
$errormsg = $error_passretypewrong;

if ($email!=$emailretype){
$errortag = true;
$errormsg = $error_emailretypewrong;

if (!ereg("@", $email)) {
$errortag = true;
$errormsg = $error_email;

if (!$errortag){
$customerid = $db->adduser($username,$password,$email,$homepage,$icq,$aol,$yahoo,$msn,$location,$occupation,$interests,$biography);
$showtable = false;


if (session_is_registered("CID")){
$showtable = false;
<title>Home Page</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css" type="text/css" />
<body bgcolor="#64748B">
<table width="850" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<tr bgcolor="#26354A">
<td width="514" nowrap="nowrap"><p align="right" class="logo">VirAir International       <br>
<span class="tagline">Paving The Skies In Flight Simulator                   </span></td>
<td width="50" height="70" nowrap="nowrap" class="logo"><p class="logo">
<td width="286"><?php
            if ($showtable){
  <form action="<?php print "$PHP_SELF"; ?>" method="POST">
    <table border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2">
            <td class="flights">Username: </td>
            <td><input type="text" name="username" value="" />
            <td class="flights">Password: </td>
            <td><input type="password" name="password" value="" />
            <td class="flights"> </td>
            <td><input type="submit" name="userlogin" value="Login" /></td>
        <a href="index.php?page=modiinfo">Modify Information</a> | <a href="index.php?page=modipass">Modify Password</a> | <a href="index.php?page=logout">Logout</a>
<table width="854" border="0">
      <td class="NavTop">

    if ($showtable){
//Non Logged In Members Below
<a href="index.php?page=signup">Sign Up!</a>
//Logged Members Below!
<a href="index.php?page=postflight">Post Flight</a>
?>	</td>
<table width="850" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<tr bgcolor="#FF6600">
<td colspan="6"></td>

<tr bgcolor="#D3DCE6">
<td colspan="6"></td>

<tr bgcolor="#D3DCE6">
<td colspan="6"></td>

<tr bgcolor="#FF6600">
<td colspan="6"></td>

<tr bgcolor="#D3DCE6">
<td colspan="2" valign="top" bgcolor="#26354A">
<br>     <a href="index.php?page=flights">View Flights</a><br>
for ($i=0;$i<count($dbFieldNames);$i++) 
	$TableTitle .= $TDTitStyle.
	' <a href="index.php?page=flights&action=va&s='.$dbFieldNames[$i].'&d='.$sortOptions[$dbFieldNames[$i]].'&p='.$p.'" 
$TDListOdd	='<td nowrap class="flights">';	// define here background and font colors of 
$TRList		='<tr>';
$ListStop	='</table>';

$query = "select count(*) from flights ".$condition;
if(!$result){echo "SQL Error - ".mysql_error()."<br>".$query;return;}
# total flight time / block time
$query = "SELECT sec_to_time(sum(time_to_sec(TotalBlockTime))) FROM flights ".$condition;
$TFT = number_format(mysql_result($result,0));
# total passengers
$query = "SELECT sum(NbrPassengers) FROM flights ".$condition;
$TPC = number_format(mysql_result($result,0));
# total cargo weight
$query = "SELECT sum(CargoWeight) FROM flights ".$condition;
$TCKG = number_format(mysql_result($result,0));

echo '<br><table width="1" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="2" align="center" style="font: normal 11px/14px Arial,sans-serif;padding:7px 7px 7px 7px">'.$TDListOdd.
	 "<div align=\"right\">Total flights".$startMsg.": $NrfFlights<br>
	 Total flight time: $TFT h<br>
	 Total passengers carried: $TPC<br>
	 Total Cargo carried: $TCKG Kg</div>".
echo "<br>";
<td width="5"></td>
<td width="603" valign="top">
<font color="#FF0000">
 print "<center>";
echo "<table width=450 >";
echo " <tr>";
echo " <td class=error>";
 print "$errormsg";
echo " </td>";
echo " </tr>";
echo "</table>";
print "</center>";
if ($page == NULL){
include 'pages/home.php';
elseif (file_exists('pages/' . $page . '.php')) {
include 'pages/' . $page . '.php';
elseif ($page == logout){
elseif ($page == notloggedin){
echo 'You Are Not logged in! Too Bad';
else include 'pages/error.php';
<td width="10" valign="top"> </td>

<tr bgcolor="#D3DCE6">
<td colspan="6"></td>
<table width="854" border="0">
  <tr bgcolor="#FFCC00">
    <td><div align="center">Copywrite VirAir International. All Rights Reserved. | Link | Link | Link | Link | Link | </div></td>

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I Am Try to get the script to display the username that the member is logged into using $_POST['username']; But I cant seem to figure out how to get that information to stay ustil the user logs out. Right now its only displaying once and thats when they log in. But when the navigate to another page thier name dissapears! It doesnt seem like much but I need gthat script so users can post a flight (I mean using the game flight simulator) and so that it posts thier username along with the post! I have tried my supervariable $username. which should be used when they log in but for some reason it just shows up blank like a ( ) the only script I see that can mildly help is the $_post script but it doesnt stay on the screen! So I just need help on how to make that variable ($_POST) stay until the session is destroyed!


my link to webserver is at

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Ok I looked at your site. You need to do is create a session variable with the value of the user logged in. then you can take the session variable holding the username from page to page.


$query=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE username='$_POST[username]' AND password='$_POST[password]' ") or die();




echo "you are logged in as: $_SESSION['username']";

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