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why php? Tell me why php is a fast job oriented in comparison of .net

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All you need is less than 20 MB's of disk space for PHP to run WITH an editor.


.NET you have to have the whole shabang, Windows XP Pro or Server 2003, $$$, .NET Studio $$$$$  To host it you have to find a host $$$$$$$


With PHP MySQL = FREE; PHP = FREE; Linux = FREE; Apache = FREE.  Notepad ++ = FREE or Eclipse = FREE.


Really you can get away for a $10/month host with PHP or even host your own server right off your box.


Finally PHP = Open Source, and well .NET = Micro$oft.  Who would you trust more ???

The amount of native support in the 'bog standard' php distribution via libraries is (certianly was) far greater than .net asp


the liraries you don't have for the MS approach you must buy. what you don't have for php (which is rare) you can download for nowt. There is more support for php my way of sites like this - zend and few othe rcompanies so should you ever need it I suspect you'll get a much faster response for support too!!!!


php is aparantly when compairng like for like faster and less resource hungry than .net asp too...


will find a link for that - its here somewhere....

All you need is less than 20 MB's of disk space for PHP to run WITH an editor.


.NET you have to have the whole shabang, Windows XP Pro or Server 2003, $$$, .NET Studio $$$$$  To host it you have to find a host $$$$$$$


With PHP MySQL = FREE; PHP = FREE; Linux = FREE; Apache = FREE.  Notepad ++ = FREE or Eclipse = FREE.


Really you can get away for a $10/month host with PHP or even host your own server right off your box.


Finally PHP = Open Source, and well .NET = Micro$oft.  Who would you trust more ???


In which language future will be best (php or .net) and which is a long time future secure language for website development.

In which language future will be best (php or .net) and which is a long time future secure language for website development.


Impossible to tell. Chances are, as long as M$ does not fall, .NET will be around but knowing M$ they may one day change the code's background completely and everything will not be backwards compatible.


But yea, impossible to tell, I am not a psychic.

I now php is better, however .net has that interaction with Windows Based Clients that php lacks.  .net can allow a far greater amount of client server interaction in the sense of altering the clients computer, (i.e great for a web shtie helping service)  Also .NET prefers MSSQL or ODBC (the acess dbing version) over MySQL for dbing which allows a huge interaction with one of the top selling DB/Reporting software packages out there.  One Use i've had for .net is a payroll system that allows me to interact with the NT domain/login idea and allow timesheets to be inputted via web form, excel form and then results stored and paychecks, timereports are printed,viewed,emailed etc etc all using the Microsoft Office suite to interact with the web based/db based application.  .NET creates a much simpler way of interacting with illeteralte Microsoft clients (the #1 client type you will deal with) without having to create web modules/programs that they might already own.

however .net has that interaction with Windows Based Clients that php lacks

while I see the importance of this things are changing rather rapidly these last 2 years, the percentage of non windows clients continues to increase, people browsing the web on a wii, a treo, an iphone, not to mention a very steep increase in macintosh sales. so these extra little things that only work with windows are garnering less importance, as that little 3% non internet explorer win2000/xp group steps up to a much, much different place with firefox/mac's, hell, pc's with the mac os installed on them, etc etc etc.


I wouldn't personally design anything with windows only in mind the same as I wouldn't simply design a site that runs fine in firefox/opera and say screw IE. it's gotta work in everything.


I think php's real power is in efficiency, it takes less cpu power to run it, thus, per server you can host more hits/pages, and thus in the long run, save ALOT of money depending on the site. on large sites a few hundred dollars a month is all the convincing I need.


of course it all comes down still to the coder, bad code is bad code no matter what language and there's always things like cake or ruby that waste countless cpu cycles as, it's generic and not custom coded for a specific application.



You mentioned a windows login or something for the time card system in .NET. Can't you achieve this same thing by binding to an ldap server... such as a windows active directory and validate usernames and passwords that way? Or are you talking about something different?

If a person already uses a preexisiting s ystem of collecting data with Access/Excel then interacting with .net can be powerful, also i've seen a usefulness/anti usefulness(can't be used on non NT stations) of being able to activate  a .exe on the user's computer and then giving them options to run it or not.  Useful for updating via a exe on their end

I'm not 100% famalir with it, I only did the asp interaction off session variables they provided me with (i.e UserName in the NT/domain/login area), but in a lot of prexisiting systems windows based login are very common and .net provides a good deal of interaction with these psedo server connections. (its more token ring but not really, like i said not 100%) also novell which is a very common system registers with NT very easily which then allows easy intergration into asp.  Basically my point is on systems already built,stable and working in NT that need Prehypertext interactions or SQL ODBC with remote servers asp is an excellent way to do this because of its ease of integration.

You can validate users against windows active directory using PHP in only a few lines of code. The integration with Access isn't nearly as tight with PHP as PHP/MySQL but that can also be pulled off. Not sure about Excel but there are always other alternatives such as Perl. Doing additonal tasks that might not be as easy to pull off in PHP could be written in external scripts and called via exec/system as well. There's no reason to that the core of the website couldn't still be build on PHP.


Now... all of that being said, I'm a technology consultant and do both ASP.NET and PHP development. One isn't really better than the other. If you're building stuff for a client that doesn't have a big budget for additional hardware and software licenses LAMP is a no brainer. If you're building stuff for a client that is a MS shop and their IT staff knows how to admin IIS and Server 2003 well then .NET might be the right way to go. Personally I'm not prepared to lock myself down to any single language. At the end of the day it comes down to a lot of things: developers preference, current architecture, client knowledge, client desires, yada yada yada.


The other thing to mention is that .NET is the framework not a language and comparing it to PHP is sort of weird. It does make it easy to develop things quickly since there are a lot of prebuilt modules and widgets. But... if you try to extend the capability of some of these things you often spend more time trying to trick them into doing what you want than if you were to write the equivalent by hand. What I've done is started to take some of the concepts I like from the .NET framework and develop similar utilities for PHP so thatit speeds up my development there as well.


So yeah... at the end of the day it really just depends on the situation.

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