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Ban code :-)


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That it is lol, i figured it out BUT came across another problem the place where i have to inject the ip into the database is writen like this


        $DB->query("INSERT into account_banned (id, bandate, unbandate, bannedby, banreason, active) values (?d, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(), UNIX_TIMESTAMP()-10, 'WEBSERVER', 'WEBSERVER', 1)",$_GET['id']);

I've made the statement to inject the ip that being


$DB->query("INSERT into ip_banned (ip, bandate, unbandate, bannedby, banreason) values (?q, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(), UNIX_TIMESTAMP()-10, 'WEBSERVER', 'WEBSERVER')",$_GET['id']);

But cant work out how to grab the ip from the db and inject it back in a different table i tried doing something along the lines of


$q = $DB->query("SELECT last_ip FROM account WHERE id='?d'");

But just got an empty feild for the feild ip but the rest updated correctly.





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insert_id ? i dont need to insert an id i need to insert an ip, the code need to get the ip from the database last_ip feild in table account and then insert it into the table ip_banned i got EVERYthing but the inserting ip bit working :-) just wondered if you could give me any leads :-)

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Table 1


Field          Type                 Collation        Null    Key     Default              Extra           Privileges                       Comment   
-------------  -------------------  ---------------  ------  ------  -------------------  --------------  -------------------------------  ----------
id             bigint(20) unsigned  NULL                     PRI     (NULL)               auto_increment  select,insert,update,references  Identifier
username       varchar(32)          utf8_general_ci          UNI                                          select,insert,update,references            
I              varchar(40)          utf8_general_ci                                                       select,insert,update,references            
gmlevel        tinyint(3) unsigned  NULL                     MUL     0                                    select,insert,update,references            
sessionkey     longtext             utf8_general_ci  YES             (NULL)                               select,insert,update,references            
v              longtext             utf8_general_ci  YES             (NULL)                               select,insert,update,references            
s              longtext             utf8_general_ci  YES             (NULL)                               select,insert,update,references            
email          varchar(255)         utf8_general_ci                                                       select,insert,update,references            
joindate       timestamp            NULL             YES             CURRENT_TIMESTAMP                    select,insert,update,references            
last_ip        varchar(30)          utf8_general_ci                                    select,insert,update,references            
failed_logins  int(11) unsigned     NULL                             0                                    select,insert,update,references            
locked         tinyint(3) unsigned  NULL                             0                                    select,insert,update,references            
last_login     timestamp            NULL             YES             0000-00-00 00:00:00                  select,insert,update,references            
online         tinyint(4)           NULL                             0                                    select,insert,update,references            
tbc            tinyint(3) unsigned  NULL                             0                                    select,insert,update,references            
mutetime       bigint(40) unsigned  NULL                             0                                    select,insert,update,references            


Table 2


Field      Type          Collation        Null    Key     Default    Extra   Privileges                       Comment
---------  ------------  ---------------  ------  ------  ---------  ------  -------------------------------  -------
ip         varchar(32)   utf8_general_ci          PRI          select,insert,update,references         
bandate    bigint(40)    NULL                     PRI     0                  select,insert,update,references         
unbandate  bigint(40)    NULL                             0                  select,insert,update,references         
bannedby   varchar(50)   utf8_general_ci                  [Console]          select,insert,update,references         
banreason  varchar(255)  utf8_general_ci                  no reason          select,insert,update,references         


i need to go into table 1 feild last_ip and then insert it into table 2 ip the rest of it works fine :-)

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so i dont think this will help :-)


Read my previous reply.


When you do the INSERT, you would then do a SELECT to get the last ip inserted using mysql_insert_id in the where clause. You now have the ip, and simply do another INSERT.


Of course to do this properly you should use database normalization. you really don't need the ip in more than one table.


The book in my signiture has a section which describes database normalization techniques. This would however involve some serious database redesign.

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the last_ip is in a table though ? that table being account i dont relate the the account table anywhere in that code, i still fail to see the link between mysql_insert_id and the table last_ip (wich may i add wont always be the last ip inserted into the table, just the last ip that a paticular user access the site or game server with)





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I think i need to point out order or the MYSQL code


code would be as follows


        $DB->query("INSERT into account_banned (id, bandate, unbandate, bannedby, banreason, active) values (?d, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(), UNIX_TIMESTAMP()-10, 'WEBSERVER', 'WEBSERVER', 1)",$_GET['id']);
$q = $DB->query("SELECT last_ip FROM account WHERE id='?d'");
$DB->query("INSERT into ip_banned (ip, bandate, unbandate, bannedby, banreason) values ($q, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(), UNIX_TIMESTAMP()-10, 'WEBSERVER', 'WEBSERVER')",$_GET['id']);


Hope that makes it a little clearer

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Ok... in your original post you say you've tried....


$q = $DB->query("SELECT last_ip FROM account WHERE id='?d'");




$q = $DB->query("SELECT last_ip FROM account WHERE id=" . mysql_insert_id());

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I still end up with an emtpy field :-(


$row = mysql_result( $q, 1 );
$DB->query("INSERT into ip_banned (ip, bandate, unbandate, bannedby, banreason) values ('$row', UNIX_TIMESTAMP(), UNIX_TIMESTAMP()-10, 'WEBSERVER', 'WEBSERVER')",$_GET['id']);


But i did notice this ?


Note:  The value of the MySQL SQL function LAST_INSERT_ID() always contains the most recently generated AUTO_INCREMENT value, and is not reset between queries.


but when changing to that type my page fail to load correctly ie; stays white lol

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