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On my site I have a system where members can post comments on each others profiles


The problem Im having, if someone posts:




It will cause an x axis scroll bar because there is no break in the text


Whats the best way to combat this, Im assuming it has to be PHP as HTML will always stretch the content to fit it in, regardess of width specifications


I was thinkin of perhaps inserting an automatic <BR> after every 50th char, but the problem then it would cut genuine words in half if they fell into the 50th char


So I would need to make it  a bit more clever than that


Any help would be great!



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wordwrap($text, 50, "<br />\n");


It won't split genuine words in half, unless you include the optional fourth parameter and set it to true... hope this helps



This only works with words


If someone just posts




It wont split it because that count as just one word


It will work if I add 'true' in the function but that of course will split genuine words in half


I think I need a way of detecting excesive letters


Its safe to say any word that contains more than 3 consecutive letters is not a valid word, e.g hellooooooooo


The CSS doesnt work either, it gives a scroll bar or still stretches the content, this cannot be


In Invision Power Board you can do it, here is how they describe it


Remove excess exclamation/question marks in topic titles?

Will turn: This!!!!! into This!


Any more suggestions?

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$word=wordwrap($test,50,"<br>" ,true);
echo $word;


Ok thats real good, however, to use that Im going to have to explode each comment by " " to dig out the words, then for each word do the strlen check


Sure it will work, but do I need to worry about it using a hell load of resources


The max amount of chars per comment is 1000


Its just my site is quite busy so the less resources my scripts use the better


Should I worry about it?

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have a look at this ok.




echo "Total charecters ".strlen($test)." <br>";


$word=wordwrap($test,50,"<br>" ,true);
echo $word;


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Heres what Ive come up with


$words = explode(" ", $comments[comment]);
$wordarray = array();

foreach ($words as $words) {


$words=substr($words, 0, 35);


$wordarray[] = $words;


$comments[comment] = join(" ", $wordarray);

Works a treat


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