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[SOLVED] First time using it

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For windows you place the php files in C:/Program Files/Apache Foundation/Apache2/htdocs (note the actual path maybe different).


Note: If you have installed PHP (using the installer) after you have installed Apache you will need to restart Apache as PHP changes Apache's configuration file. When you change Apache's configuration file Apache must be restarted.

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If PHP was installed before Apache was installed then you are going to have re-run the Installer. Having a look at the documentation you can re run the installer in Add/Remove Programs (Located in Start > Control Panel).


NOTE: Make sure Apache is started before using the installer.

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I reinstalled apache and php and now it works, I can access localhost, but when I try to access a php page, it processes the php but writes the html out. Example:


hey world

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What gives?

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I can give you my config files but it still wont work as I have setup Apache and PHP in completely a different way to you. There is no standard configuration.


How have you "broken it"? What was you doing before you got the Forbidden Error message.

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