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Hi there, just wondering what you guys think of my design at http://ps3.runeap.com


It's a minimal design, the navigation is really cool though. 


It's only been tested in firefox because I want to make all the PHP and stuff before I get into compatibility with browsers (because the design can change).  However, I'd love if you gave me tips for making that nav-menu work in IE.  I will probably just make it javascript.


Which leads me to another thing.  Do you think the navigation is too hard?  Should I make it "stick" with javascript, so that it doesn't "go away" when you go slightly too far?  This wouldn't be hard to make, but I won't do it if it means more code.  I don't like javascript in general, so...


Looking for comments on everything else also.  One more thing, is, should I make the login (top right) be always there, or should it appear (with javascript) when you click the link.



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Can't modify posts  ???


Anyways, here's a page that has content, none of the menu links work currently (except one, but you won't get to this page).




In firefox I have rounded coreners with -moz css.  I don't want to use a image corner because it would take up quite a bit of html for every single one, and that's too much.

You could easily do rounded borders that work in most Browsers by using a Javascript library like jQuery. It has special append and prepend things which means you can make things have rounder borders without having to use loads of HTML. You can just use a class.


Anyway how do you get your PS3 statistics showing on the Website? Do you know if they do anything like that with the Xbox 360?  ;D


You could easily do rounded borders that work in most Browsers by using a Javascript library like jQuery. It has special append and prepend things which means you can make things have rounder borders without having to use loads of HTML. You can just use a class.


Anyway how do you get your PS3 statistics showing on the Website? Do you know if they do anything like that with the Xbox 360?  ;D


How big is the javascript library.  Anyways thats besides the point.


Did you try it out in firefox?  please give impressions :(


I dunno if they do anything like that for xbox 360, I know I'm the first (I was suprized) to do it for PS3.


EDIT: sticky tabs are done :)  They now stick if you have javascript enabled.  Javascript doesn't have to be enabled in firefox, though.


EDIT: I see jQuery is 61kB.  That's a bit too big, it's more than what would be nessessary for html + css... unless I go through all the code and take out the unneeded parts...

Oh, I see.  Hmm, my menu works on the PS3 browser.  I was about to put up a message saying don't use the ps3 browser! DOH


Yeah, I made the script myself, btw.  Did you look at the forum post?  The site's going to be more about that.  If you're interested and have a ps3 and are good with photoshop (or two of the above) then I need someone to help me...


(edit: you own a halo site, so I doubt it eh?  well, if you ever want me to write a script like that for halo 3, then I probably will, even though I don't plan on buying an xbox until the price drops, I'm broke from the PS3 lol)


Good with Photshop..yeah I think, have a PS3...no.  ;D


I'm an Xbox 360 person. (Yeay Halo 3, boo Killzone 2 etc.)  ::)


Lol yeah I noticed :)


Maybe I'll make another website xbox360.runeap.com and then make stats sigs for xbox360?  I'd make the design the same except green :D


It's not that hard to make these things, but whatever.  If you direct me to a website where you can view stats, then I can get them (via file_get_contents).

Would you mind helping me learn how to do that on www.Bungie.net they have all kinds of stats on their for Halo 2 and I've been trying for EVER to work out how I can get them on my site etc.


I could maybe help you out a bit and you help me out a bit if you want, a mutual agreement?  ;D

Sure, I guess.  I don't really need that much help, but if you could contribute signature images.  Do you have an MSN or something that we can talk better on? We really shouldn't be doing this here :)


Hmm, bungie seems to use a uid rather than a username, making it harder than it really should be.  I doubt you would be able to do this if you didn't develop a mechanism where you could cache the results of bungie.net for a day, but this way you wouldn't have stats.


Or you could cache uid's... that would work better actually.

There really isn't much to critique here. It's a very basic page design, and aside from the way that the text jumps up and down when you hover over the menu and there aren't any sub-option (something that's a real pet peeve of mine), there's nothing of any real notability here.


There really isn't much to critique here. It's a very basic page design, and aside from the way that the text jumps up and down when you hover over the menu and there aren't any sub-option (something that's a real pet peeve of mine), there's nothing of any real notability here.


It is an in-progress work, there will be a javascript signature editor.


Right now I just wanted to know if the navigation was ok.

This thread is more than a year old. Please don't revive it unless you have something important to add.

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