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[SOLVED] Looking for thoughts from experienced coders


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I'm only 16, and been considering about a future in creating software/programs..

I have basic understanding of css, java, php. I'm exceptional with HTML and vb net..


So I was wondering if I could get some thoughts from people out there that code for a living (in other words, you get paid to do this kinda stuff).


If your interested in talkin about your job, could you say what you do, and example job(s) you did? (Hopefully you had a deadline, and minimum requirements for your application/script/etc)


Thanks in advance for any input, all comments welcomed  ;D

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my vb.net professor has a small business, she meets with business who need custom applications and makes the application for them, in vb.net you would need an exceptionally good understanding and handle on databasing. my professor does pretty well with it, there are about 3 people who work on stuff there, though one person could do it.

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if you love programming then everything is like a game its specially when you learn new thing on every project you have for a beginner developer money is not the issue

you will sometimes work for free just to learn and practice. I'm a developer and I really love what I'm doing Specially when the task is hard and new to my eyes and ears. A good attitude of programmer is that he love challenge and if your that type of person you can have coding for living 

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my vb.net professor has a small business, she meets with business who need custom applications and makes the application for them, in vb.net you would need an exceptionally good understanding and handle on databasing. my professor does pretty well with it, there are about 3 people who work on stuff there, though one person could do it.


yup the real programming is almost 50 50 Data base and coding

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Nothing compares to what you learn on the job. School does not teach you anything, most people know this but still a degree is good. Whether the degree is programming or not, I would suggest you go for a bachelors. It will take you farther than anything.


Programming classes suck, they are too easy and a waste of time.


As far as knowing, make sure you know databases hands down. MySQL is probably the best/free route to go. But really knowing how to program is the key and being an exceptional learner and easy to teach. I knew a job where if you seemed like you were not teachable they canned ya. Always be open.


I've coded in PHP, C#, C++, MySQL, SQL Server, ASP and VB .NET all in one job and it usually varied from day to day what I would code in.


Anyhow good luck in the future, I plan on getting an outside job, sitting inside behind a computer 24/7 really does suck, at least to me.

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I'm currently on a civil engineering degree (a safety option because i missed my AAA for architecture by less than 1%).  I'm also doing a Masters in it for a better chance of a job.


I started programming about 6 weeks ago, and i've loved every minute of it, been doing like 6 hours a day on top of actually living :)


If i find that civil engineering isn't my thing by the time i get out of uni, i will definately go into a bit of language programming and try to get some work that way.  My sis said they are crying out for programmers where she works.


we will see..

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You're young so I'll give you the same best advice I got when I was young.  It's important to do what you love.  Whatever career you pick, you have to be happy with the potential possibility that you'll have to get up 5 days a week, commute in traffic, and do whatever it is for 8 hours before you commute home in more traffic.  While this scenario is becoming less common due to technology, it would be rare for you to land a high-paying telecommuting job either directly out of college or without any formal education.


Here are some criteria you can use to determine if you'll be a good programmer:

* You like to solve problems

* You think logically

* You can break complicated tasks into simple steps

* You have good communication skills

* You pay attention to detail

* You are constantly striving for improved efficiency


Notice that nowhere in that list do I say you have to be a math whiz or know 10 programming languages.  A freelancer with a good reputation can get by without any formal education or training.  If you want to work at a company, it is only becoming more common for companies to require a degree and experience, although some will still accept upwards of 4 to 5 years of experience in place of a degree.  Your best bet is to get at least a Bachelor's as suggested frost110.


If you want to have your bases covered in terms of programming jobs, you should major in Computer Science.  You do not need to be a computer science major to be a web developer, but if you want to be a programmer but are no longer interested in web development you'll need that degree. For example, 5 years of web development experience typically doesn't mean crap if you decide you want to program video games or embedded systems at Boeing.


I work at a company that designs software for home builders in the United States.  It's a small company, I handle our web product that interfaces with another server product that we sell.  My primary job functions are to expand and support a site written primarily in PHP and MySQL, although I've been introducing more and more Javascript (AJAX) into it.  I'm also responsible for communicating with our clients that use the site and I do a bit of server configuration, although the hosting company handles most of it.  The nature of my work means I'm always working on the same website and there is really no end to it until we release a new product and abandon this one.



School does not teach you anything, most people know this but still a degree is good.

I'll agree that most of what you have to endure in school is bullshit but learning to deal with it is invaluable.  I say this because I don't know about you guys, but I work in a small office environment and I still have to withstand colossal amounts of it.  Dealing with college bullshit is good practice for dealing with it in the corporate world; I think that's why so much of it is introduced into college curriculum.



Programming classes suck, they are too easy and a waste of time.

This statement is only partially true.


Classes that teach you how to program in a specific language suck and are a waste of time.  Basically, you can tell if you'll be a good programmer if you can learn as much from a good book on PHP as you could by taking a course on PHP.


However, most colleges only introduce a single language to their starting CS majors and then introduce larger programming concepts through that language.  For example, when I want to college we learned C in the first programming class; already being familiar with C++ I coasted through it.  However, the next class was all about abstract data types; we created linked lists, queues, priority queues, binary search trees, hash tables, performed some simple algorithm analysis, etc.  All of that stuff is pretty easy to implement but that was just the second class, an undergraduate class mind you.


Here's what it all boils down to.  I can learn any programming language on my own through a book or tutorials; I could do this before I ever went to college.  It wasn't until I went to college that I learned about higher level programming concepts and it's that part of it that sets you apart from the crowd.

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So I guess I should learn SQL then eh?  :-\

Dont like the language much, but I suppose its needed.



I actually took a programming class last year, and words cant describe how easy it was - so gotta agree with ya there.

Ugh SQL, always wanted to learn it better.. but the code for it is just... not normal :P



Here are some criteria you can use to determine if you'll be a good programmer:

:) You like to solve problems

:) You think logically

:) You can break complicated tasks into simple steps

:-\ You have good communication skills

:) You pay attention to detail

:) You are constantly striving for improved efficiency

The Computer Science degree idea is helpful, really havn't had a clue what to do for college.

I would have imagined classes that teach a specific language wouldnt be a great use of time..

With no job does getting up 5 days a week, commute in traffic, and working for 8 hours sound fun - but dont think i got a choice xD


Thanks for comments and examples, although my dad was just telling me yesterday  I should get a degree in business, he thinks most coding jobs are going overseas  :'(



learn SQL ^_^


Thanks again

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I would have imagined classes that teach a specific language wouldnt be a great use of time..

Believe me, I didn't know what to expect when I majored in CS.  I didn't know anyone that had done it before me who could tell me what to expect.  Entering college, I thought I was already a good programmer but the truth is I didn't know crap.


Computer science is exactly what the name says, the science behind computers, not just programming.



my dad was just telling me yesterday  I should get a degree in business, he thinks most coding jobs are going overseas

If you're good at what you do you won't have to worry.  With a few exceptions, I think most business majors are retarded; probably 50% of students that enter college expecting a degree in computer science graduate with business.


Remember that the degree is really just for landing your first job.  After that its what you know, who you know, your attitude, and your own personal talent that carry you through life.

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