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$link = mysql_connect('localhost', 'ppl', 'PASSWORD');
if (!$link) {
    die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error());

$sql = 'CREATE DATABASE ppl_'.$post_userid;
if (mysql_query($sql, $link)) {
    echo "Database ppl_$post_userid created successfully\n";
} else {
    echo 'Error creating database: ' . mysql_error() . "\n";


This is the code, and I'm connecting via host connect I presume.... What shall I change?

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Do you only get that error message when run a query with CREATE DATABASE. If that's the case then the ppl user doesn't have sufficient privileges for creating databases and tables and thus you are getting that error message.


There is nothing you can do within your code to change your privileges or to override this. You will have to login to mysql using root (or any other user that has sufficient privileges to change another user's privileges) to grant CREATE Privileges for the ppl user.

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Do you only get that error message when run a query with CREATE DATABASE. If that's the case then the ppl user doesn't have sufficient privileges for creating databases and tables and thus you are getting that error message.


There is nothing you can do within your code to change your privileges or to override this. You will have to login to mysql using root (or any other user that has sufficient privileges to change another user's privileges).


user privileges for  a mysql user? or the web host user? (ppl is a web host user) and I tried with a mysql user and it gave the same message (I gave it all of the possible privileges)

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If you are using shared hosting, alot of times you are only allowed a certain number of database, and they usually block the create database command.


Chances are, that is the problem, unless you say differently.


My limit is about 9999, lol ... so I'm sure having 2 database's doesnt make it exceed that..


Login to Cpanel then go to MYSQL then tick the box for all permissions then there shouldn't be a problem...


Where in cPanel?

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try if the select statement will run because maybe the privilege  is limited

Let me take a shot in the dark, you don't have access to it...

by the way this is the coolest answer i saw in this forum lol you will kill everybody in that answer


I can't really use a "select" statement when the database isn't created yet, now can I?

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