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I appologise in advance but i am desparate...


My php web guy sory X php web guy as been uncontactable for months and hence i am resorting to trying to learn what has gone wrong with my web site.


It uses php/mysql to host images and lost the objects/pix sometime ago. the images appear to be in the images path but i get an error - php premature end of script headers on the galleries page that serves out the different categories. I have not changed anything and doubtl my x php web guy has.


Any help . tips would be appreciated . I understand the theory of PHP/web pages but not the progam language so it all looks a bit above me. Aagain any pointers would be appreciated.

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OK sorry, I believe the <?PHP is the start of code and ?> end of code?


Heres the code..........





# First we check the selected category exists - if not we're at the category home (catid -1).


if ($catid != -1) {

$count=$sqlProc->queryCount("SELECT count(*) AS count FROM pix_cat WHERE catid = $catid",'count');

if ($count<1) $catid = -1; }


$catPath = array();

# If we're not at the category home, we recurse the categories backwards

if ($catid != -1) {

$curParent = $catid;

while($curParent != -1) {

$cat = $sqlProc->queryRow("SELECT catid,parentid,name,public FROM pix_cat WHERE catid = $curParent");

$curParent = $cat['parentid'];





$catPath = array_reverse($catPath);

# debug($catPath);


# Now we find all subcategories of this category

$subCats=$sqlProc->queryArray("SELECT * FROM pix_cat WHERE parentid = $catid ORDER BY name ASC",MYSQL_ASSOC,'catid');


foreach($subids as $subid){


$sqlProc->queryCount("SELECT count(*) AS count FROM pix_cat WHERE parentid = $subid",'count');


$sqlProc->queryCount("SELECT count(*) AS count FROM pix_index WHERE catid = $subid",'count');



$rowsPerPage = 3;

$picsPerRow = 3;

$picsPerPage = $rowsPerPage * $picsPerRow;




# Now we find all the pictures in this category

$numPics = $sqlProc->queryCount("SELECT count(*) AS count FROM pix_index WHERE catid = $catid",'count');


if ($p>$numPages) $p=$numPages;

$picstartvalue = intval(($p-1)*$picsPerPage);

if ($picstartvalue<0) $picstartvalue=0;


$pics=$sqlProc->queryArray("SELECT * FROM pix_index WHERE catid = $catid ORDER BY timestamp DESC

LIMIT $picstartvalue,$picsPerPage");




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sorry slow learner!



# First we check the selected category exists - if not we're at the category home (catid -1).
if ($catid != -1) {
   $count=$sqlProc->queryCount("SELECT count(*) AS count FROM pix_cat WHERE catid = $catid",'count');
   if ($count<1) $catid = -1; }

$catPath = array();
# If we're not at the category home, we recurse the categories backwards
if ($catid != -1) {
   $curParent = $catid;
   while($curParent != -1) {
      $cat = $sqlProc->queryRow("SELECT catid,parentid,name,public FROM pix_cat WHERE catid = $curParent");
      $curParent = $cat['parentid'];
$catPath = array_reverse($catPath);
# debug($catPath);

# Now we find all subcategories of this category
$subCats=$sqlProc->queryArray("SELECT * FROM pix_cat WHERE parentid = $catid ORDER BY name ASC",MYSQL_ASSOC,'catid');
foreach($subids as $subid){
      $sqlProc->queryCount("SELECT count(*) AS count FROM pix_cat WHERE parentid = $subid",'count');
      $sqlProc->queryCount("SELECT count(*) AS count FROM pix_index WHERE catid = $subid",'count');

$rowsPerPage = 3;
$picsPerRow = 3;
$picsPerPage = $rowsPerPage * $picsPerRow;


# Now we find all the pictures in this category
$numPics = $sqlProc->queryCount("SELECT count(*) AS count FROM pix_index WHERE catid = $catid",'count');
if ($p>$numPages) $p=$numPages;
$picstartvalue = intval(($p-1)*$picsPerPage);
if ($picstartvalue<0) $picstartvalue=0;

$pics=$sqlProc->queryArray("SELECT * FROM pix_index WHERE catid = $catid ORDER BY timestamp DESC
   LIMIT $picstartvalue,$picsPerPage");


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Sorry to bump but I am still CONFUSED.


Can anyone shed a light as to what may have gone wrong. Images appear to get uploaded ok but when you click on a web page which is genreated by the php code all you get is a unlinked object (x). This problem affects all images on my site even new images I post.


The system uses mysql db and a php front end. Would appreciate some tips on what aobvious things to look for ....


images are in the gallery folder - OK

not sure how to check the db aother then the webinfo page shows the db is running.

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