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Using $GET to load sections.


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Hi guys,


I'm having a problem with $_GET coming up empty. I tried searching, but couldn't get to anything with the criteria I used.


I have a menu:

<a href="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] ?>?sectionid=1">Product Handling</a><br />

<a href="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] ?>?sectionid=2">Misc. Parameters</a><br />

<a href="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] ?>?sectionid=3">Statistics</a><br />

<a href="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] ?>?sectionid=4">Look 'n' Feel</a>


- and when a link is clicked I want the appropriate section of the index.php file to display to the user only using the one file. But when I try to pick up the value with: $sectionid = $_GET['sectionid']; I just get:


Notice: Undefined index: sectionid in /home/arioch/public_html/musiccenter.php on line 195


What do I need to do pick up the variable in the URL, so I can use it to load the correct section of the file to the user, using only the one page?



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It looks to me like your error reporting is set very, very strictly....


Try doing:


$sectionid = (isset($_GET['sectionid']) && is_numeric($_GET['sectionid'])) ? $_GET['sectionid'] : 1;


isset doesn't flag an error if you try to check a non existant variable (or key) with it.  This will just check if it's set and numeric, and if it is, it will assign it to $sectionid, but if it's empty, it'll assign the default value of 1 to it.

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no it does matter semicolons are used for the compiling purposes.  It is what tells the complier hey this is the end of this echo or the end of a variable otherwise what it is doing is its using the question marks as a crude if statement i think or classes, just use proper punctuation

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try this

$links[1] = "Product Handling";
$links[2] =  "Misc. Paramenters";
$links[3] = "Statistics";
$links[4] = "Look \'n\' Feel";
foreach ($links as $key => $value){
echo "<a href=\"".$_SERVER['self']."?sectionid=".$key."\">".$value."</a>";
//Page 2
if(ISSET($_GET['sectionid'])){$pageid = $_GET['sectionid'];}


then you can add more by appending this array

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"are you sure $sectionid is being set before you're calling it?"


Isn't that the whole point of: sectionid = $_GET['sectionid'];? I'm not in doubt as to whether it's set or not, but why it isn't.


I included the semicolons, didn't do a thing. Strict error reporting obviously didn't care either... ;)

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When set very strictly, the PHP error handling will flag warnings when you try to use not-set variables....



$link = array();
$links[] = "Product Handling";
$links[] =  "Misc. Paramenters";
$links[] = "Statistics";
$links[] = "Look \'n\' Feel";
foreach ($links as $key => $value){
echo "<a href=\"page2.php?sectionid=".$key."\">".$value."</a>";


Then page2:


$sectionid = (isset($_GET['sectionid'])) ? $_GET['sectionid'] : 0;
echo $sectionid;

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