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[SOLVED] Can someone help me with changing a few settings pretaining to php.ini


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First of all I'm running on a linux hosting server.

Secondly I don't have access to the php.ini file.

Third my hosting company is godaddy.com and they have told me to research this I can do it.


Now for what I'm trying to do.


I'm running a website off of phpFox and need to change these three settings.


post_max_size needs to be set to 10M and your server has it set to 8M

upload_max_filesize needs to be set to 10M and your server has it set to 8M

max_input_time needs to be set to -1 and your server has it set to 60


Again I don't have access to the php.ini file. They told me I could write a php script and place it in my root directory to change these three files.


Any ideas would greatly be appreciated!


Thanks in advance,


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hitman I appreciate your prompt reply... I have looked over those two pages you linked too. I am so new to PHP - I thought it stood for Pretty Hot Person.....  ;)


In other words I see what you are saying.... I need to create a php.ini file containing something like


php_value post_max_size 10M

php_value upload_max_size 10M

php_value max_input_time -1


Correct.... But that alone isn't going to change what I need is it? OR is there more to this story?


Thanks in advance again,



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ok I got you now... So I just need to find the page that the music mod is using and add those ini_set lines on the top of that page..... I hope this is right..... Here's what it looks like in the Admin Control Panel of phpFox.



If you are viewing this message then there are items that need your attention.

Music module cannot load because of the following errors:

The PHP setting for post_max_size needs to be set to 10M and your server has it set to 8M

The PHP setting for upload_max_filesize needs to be set to 10M and your server has it set to 8M

The PHP setting for max_input_time needs to be set to -1 and your server has it set to 60


Edit: Or can this be done in the .htaccess file in the root folder?


Thanks again,


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Solved my own problem..... Ok so hitman helped... thanks for the links bro!!! I read, re-read, re-re-read, and read again..... Try a couple things here and there until it worked...


If anyone else comes here with phpFox installed and their musicMod won't work due to this error viewed in the admin control panel.


Here's what I done to fix.


post_max_size = 15M
upload_max_filesize = 100M
max_input_tim = -1


Saved that as php.ini and uploaded it to my root directory........... Walllllaaaaa the error is GONE!!!!


Thanks again hitman!!

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