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Please let me tell you my problem with my php script.


I want to show a table in a webpage.

Here is the script for db connection:

$db_link = mysql_connect("localhost", "root", "");
if (!$db_link) {
   die("Could not connect: " . mysql_error());
mysql_select_db("shopping") or die("Could not select database");


And this is my product list php:

echo "<H3 align=center>Product List</H3>";
include "dbconnect.php";
$tampil=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM products ORDER BY PkProduct DESC");
return $total;
} else {
print (mysql_error());

echo "<table align=center border=1><tr>
<th>Product names</th>

while ($data=@mysql_fetch_array($tampil))
echo"<td><img src='$url/$data[image]'</td></tr>";


When I open my browser, I only see the title "Product List" and no table, nor error message.


What's wrong with my script? How can I see the mistakes?


Thank you,


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<H3 align=center>Product List</H3>
include "dbconnect.php";
$tampil = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM products ORDER BY PkProduct DESC") or DIE(mysql_error());
$url = "http://localhost/newstore/products";

<table align=center border=1>
        <th>Product names</th>

while (($data = mysql_fetch_array($tampil)) && (mysql_num_rows($tampil) > 0))
    echo "<tr>";
    echo "<td>$data['FkFamily']</td>";
    echo "<td>$data['Name']</td>";
    echo "<td>$data['Content']</td>";
    echo "<td>$data['Price']</td>";
    echo "<td><img src='$url/$data['Image']'</td>";
    echo "</tr>



I wasn't really sure the point of this portion of your script:

return $total;
} else {
print (mysql_error());

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What's wrong with include "something.php"? sometimes it works, sometimes i got this error.


I use it mostly to include the database connection. However, I often got this error: failed to open stream: No such file or directory . Do I need to use different code?




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something.php needs to be in the same directory as the page you are calling it from.


if not then it will give you that error


No it doesn't.


Page 1:




blah blah ...


Will include and work. He would just need to modify his include path.

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Hey thanks,

I put all in the same directory.

My code: include "dbconnect.php"; and dbconnect.php is in the same folder. I have other pages which use include "dbconnect.php" and it works fine (like the codes from hostfreak above). I don't know why this time I've got no database is selected.


I already tried include ("dbconnect.php"), but still doesn't work. How can I get the right path?

I'm working in localhost. how can I define the path? .:C:\apache\htdocs... or http://localhost/directory/...?


Thank you,


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something.php needs to be in the same directory as the page you are calling it from.


if not then it will give you that error


No it doesn't.


Page 1:



Thats not how he had it setup now is it. He had ...




With that format if "something" isn't in the same directory it's not going to work.

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