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mkdir issue


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The following successfully creates a directory for $path but fails to make a directory for $path2 (without redirecting to fatalerror.php). Anyone know why?


$path = "members/".$fl."/".$name;

$path2 = "members/".$fl."/".$name."/priv";

mkdir($path, 0755);

chmod($path, 0777);

if(is_dir($path)) {

mkdir($path2, 0755);

chmod($path2, 0777);

} else {

header ("Location: fatalerror.php");




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local value = on,  I assume, means that your server has PHP safe mode enabled.


PHP has a so-called 'Safe-mode' where almost all of it's functionality is crippled. Crucially, you can't make changes inside folders which you make with a script. It's down to permissions and folders you make with PHP having a different group ID making them unusable.


It sounds like you're on shared or hosting, and you can't change this setting, in which case there is little you can do except change tactics. Instead of using new directories use funky filenames:


so instead of making "bob" inside users/private, make a file called

users-DR-private-DR-bob... making sure to use separators that wont be in your "filenames"

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Looking at your code you say it is hitting the redirect, which means it is not a problem with creating the folder, since the if statement stops it from ever hitting that portion of the code.  The problem must be with is_dir, which I have had problems getting to work before.  Maybe try using the full path to the folder including /home/user/...etc.  Or try removing the if is_dir clause around the directory functions and see if it works that way.

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Try using an if statement in there, like so:


$path = "members/".$fl."/".$name;
$path2 = "members/".$fl."/".$name."/priv";
mkdir($path, 0755);
chmod($path, 0777);
if(mkdir($path2, 0755)) {
  chmod($path2, 0777);
} else {
  header ("Location: fatalerror.php");

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What does this tell you about the directory and subdirectory?




It tells me:


Array ( [0] => 2053 [1] => 13207891 [2] => 16895 [3] => 2 [4] => 48 [5] => 48 [6] => -1 [7] => 4096 [8] => 1185988020 [9] => 1185988020 [10] => 1185988020 [11] => -1 [12] => -1 [dev] => 2053 [ino] => 13207891 [mode] => 16895 [nlink] => 2 [uid] => 48 [gid] => 48 [rdev] => -1 => 4096 [atime] => 1185988020 [mtime] => 1185988020 [ctime] => 1185988020 [blksize] => -1 [blocks] => -1 )

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Actually, let's try this to get more information (and recursively). Pass it the full path of what you want to check.



function analyze($path) {
	$dirs = explode('/', $path);
	foreach ($dirs as $dir) {
		if ($prev_dir) {
			$dir = $prev_dir . '/' . $dir;
		$stat = stat($dir) or die;
		$perms = substr(sprintf('%o', fileperms($dir)), -4);
		$grp_info = posix_getgrgid($stat['gid']);
		$grp = $grp_info['name'];
		$usr_info = posix_getpwuid($stat['uid']);
		$usr = $usr_info['name'];
		echo "<b>path:</b> $dir<br>";
		echo "<b>perms:</b> $perms<br>";
		echo "<b>user/group:</b> $usr/$grp<br><br>";
		$prev_dir = $dir;



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Actually, let's try this to get more information (and recursively). Pass it the full path of what you want to check.



function analyze($path) {
	$dirs = explode('/', $path);
	foreach ($dirs as $dir) {
		if ($prev_dir) {
			$dir = $prev_dir . '/' . $dir;
		$stat = stat($dir) or die;
		$perms = substr(sprintf('%o', fileperms($dir)), -4);
		$grp_info = posix_getgrgid($stat['gid']);
		$grp = $grp_info['name'];
		$usr_info = posix_getpwuid($stat['uid']);
		$usr = $usr_info['name'];
		echo "<b>path:</b> $dir<br>";
		echo "<b>perms:</b> $perms<br>";
		echo "<b>user/group:</b> $usr/$grp<br><br>";
		$prev_dir = $dir;




Sorry effigy, I was delayed dealing with this problem.


I've ran the above and got the following:


path: members

perms: 0777

user/group: harlow/apache


path: members/c

perms: 0775

user/group: harlow/apache


path: members/c/chukleslondon

perms: 0777

user/group: apache/apache


I'm assuming that my problem is with the user apache???


If so am I correct in thinking that this is something that my host can resolve???


Am I also correct in the assumption that theoretically I can use mkdir to create a folder and then use mkdir to create a subfolder within that folder????


My host is being very unhelpful so I think I need to go back to them armed with some facts.


Your help is much appreciated.


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What user/group is the server running as? apache/apache?


The permissions for "chuckleslondon" is 777, which means any one can do anything, such as creating a directory.


Have you tried mkdir's recursive argument?


Does a terminal/FTP login show you the same user, group, and permission information?


Also, going back to mrjcfreak's comment about safe mode, is everything off, including the local = on?

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