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Video Things


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I am currently adding a video feature to my site, and i need to know a couple things:

1) How can i get a videos duration

2) how can i get a video thumb nail like youtube and other popular video websites

3) And if possible how can i make a custom media player aswell.



I know this is alot to ask but it would really help if you could give me any ideas.

Thanks in advance.

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For the first 2 questions the answer is easy, FFMPEG. Its a pretty powerful extension for php http://ffmpeg-php.sourceforge.net/


For the third, u can make Flash custom player. Flash has great video capabilities and some simple actionscript can produce panning, volume adjust etc.


Im sure theres a lot in the net for these. Hope i helped.

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It is an extension not a class or smth so it has to be install. If u have a shared host theres no way for your hosting provider to install it, only if they already have it installed which i doubt to be the case. U need a server for this. Also i never had the need to use it so i cant tell, but from what i read in their website, it also supports quick time, so im guessing it has a vast format support.

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Youtube using XML (eXtensible Markup Language) To create videos that auto create thumbnais. I have been using XML for about 3 weeks now but sorry i do not know how they do it but I am 99% sure they use XML. Try an XML Forum rather than a PHP.


Hope you find what you need

Best Regards!

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