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[SOLVED] using arrays


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I've no used arrays before and I was wondering if I could store image types in an array and then see if a user has a special profile image uploaded? eg.

$arr = array(imagetype1 => jpg, imagetype2 => jpeg, imagetype3 => gif); /etc...

$file = '/home/lordofth/public_html/images/players/m'.$player[id].'.$arr';

echo "<img src='http://www.lordoftheabyss.com/images/players/m$player[id].jpg'>";
echo "<img src='http://www.lordoftheabyss.com/images/players/$player[image]'>";


I'm pretty sure this example won't work as I don't know how to call up to check all the array values at once...how can I do this successfully???

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that code there wont work because $arr does not have an index...


you need to specify an array index for the extension you want...


you would then need to search if the file exists and then use that array index..


if (file_exists('/home/lordofth/public_html/images/players/m'.$player[id].'.$arr[imagetype1]')){

$file = '/home/lordofth/public_html/images/players/m'.$player[id].'.$arr[imagetype1]';

} Else If (file_exists('/home/lordofth/public_html/images/players/m'.$player[id].'.$arr[imagetype2]')){

$file = '/home/lordofth/public_html/images/players/m'.$player[id].'.$arr[imagetype2]';

} Else If (file_exists('/home/lordofth/public_html/images/players/m'.$player[id].'.$arr[imagetype3]')){

$file = '/home/lordofth/public_html/images/players/m'.$player[id].'.$arr[imagetype3]';



this is untested but you can get the jist of it...

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Hmm, my code isn't working....shows no errors, but it isn't finding my file. which is saved to the right directory, and as far as I can see is no different to what is specified.... it is called m1.PNG (1 is my ID)


$type = array(
type1 => jpg,
type2 => JPG,
type3 => jpeg,
type4 => JPEG,
type5 => gif,
type6 => GIF,
type7 => png,
type8 => PNG

if(file_exists('/home/lordofth/public_html/images/players/m'.$player[id].'.$type[type1]') == TRUE){

$file = '/home/lordofth/public_html/images/players/m'.$player[id].'.$type[type1]';

}elseif(file_exists('/home/lordofth/public_html/images/players/m'.$player[id].'.$type[type2]') == TRUE){

$file = '/home/lordofth/public_html/images/players/m'.$player[id].'.$type[type2]';

}elseif(file_exists('/home/lordofth/public_html/images/players/m'.$player[id].'.$type[type3]') == TRUE){

$file = '/home/lordofth/public_html/images/players/m'.$player[id].'.$type[type3]';

}elseif(file_exists('/home/lordofth/public_html/images/players/m'.$player[id].'.$type[type4]') == TRUE){

$file = '/home/lordofth/public_html/images/players/m'.$player[id].'.$type[type4]';

}elseif(file_exists('/home/lordofth/public_html/images/players/m'.$player[id].'.$type[type5]') == TRUE){

$file = '/home/lordofth/public_html/images/players/m'.$player[id].'.$type[type5]';

}elseif(file_exists('/home/lordofth/public_html/images/players/m'.$player[id].'.$type[type6]') == TRUE){

$file = '/home/lordofth/public_html/images/players/m'.$player[id].'.$type[type6]';

}elseif(file_exists('/home/lordofth/public_html/images/players/m'.$player[id].'.$type[type7]') == TRUE){

$file = '/home/lordofth/public_html/images/players/m'.$player[id].'.$type[type7]';

}elseif(file_exists('/home/lordofth/public_html/images/players/m'.$player[id].'.$type[type8]') == TRUE){

$file = '/home/lordofth/public_html/images/players/m'.$player[id].'.$type[type8]';


$file = 0;

if($file == 0){
echo "<img src='http://www.lordoftheabyss.com/images/players/$player[image]'>";
echo "<img src='$file'>";


I added == TRUE because it didn't work without it and I thought it may need it but, obviously it's not that which was stopping it from working

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$type = array(
type1 => jpg,
type2 => JPG,
type3 => jpeg,
type4 => JPEG,
type5 => gif,
type6 => GIF,
type7 => png,
type8 => PNG


$file = "/home/lordofth/public_html/images/players/m.$player[id].$type[type1]";


$file = "/home/lordofth/public_html/images/players/m.$player[id].$type[type2]";


$file = "/home/lordofth/public_html/images/players/m.$player[id].$type[type3]";


$file = "/home/lordofth/public_html/images/players/m.$player[id].$type[type4]";


$file = "/home/lordofth/public_html/images/players/m.$player[id].$type[type5]";


$file = "/home/lordofth/public_html/images/players/m.$player[id].$type[type6]";


$file = "/home/lordofth/public_html/images/players/m.$player[id].$type[type7]";


$file = "/home/lordofth/public_html/images/players/m.$player[id].$type[type8]";


$file = 0;

if($file == 0){
echo "<img src='http://www.lordoftheabyss.com/images/players/$player[image]'>";
echo "<img src='$file'>";


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use a loop


$type = array(
type1 => jpg,
type2 => JPG,
type3 => jpeg,
type4 => JPEG,
type5 => gif,
type6 => GIF,
type7 => png,
type8 => PNG

$exists = false;
foreach ($type as $ft)
        $file = "/home/lordofth/public_html/images/players/m.$player[id].$ft";
        $exists = true;

    echo "<img src='$file'>";
    echo "<img src='http://www.lordoftheabyss.com/images/players/$player[image]'>";


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I finally got it working...it took me all this time but it just needed a few changes...


$type = array(
type1 => jpg,
type2 => JPG,
type3 => jpeg,
type4 => JPEG,
type5 => gif,
type6 => GIF,
type7 => png,
type8 => PNG
$file = '/home/lordofth/public_html/images/players/m';
$ft1 = file_exists(''.$file.''.$player[id].'.'.$type[type1].'');
$ft2 = file_exists(''.$file.''.$player[id].'.'.$type[type2].'');
$ft3 = file_exists(''.$file.''.$player[id].'.'.$type[type3].'');
$ft4 = file_exists(''.$file.''.$player[id].'.'.$type[type4].'');
$ft5 = file_exists(''.$file.''.$player[id].'.'.$type[type5].'');
$ft6 = file_exists(''.$file.''.$player[id].'.'.$type[type6].'');
$ft7 = file_exists(''.$file.''.$player[id].'.'.$type[type7].'');
$ft8 = file_exists(''.$file.''.$player[id].'.'.$type[type8].'');

if($ft1 == '1'){

$file = "http://www.lordoftheabyss.com/images/players/m$player[id].$type[type1]";

}elseif($ft2 == '1'){

$file = "http://www.lordoftheabyss.com/images/players/m$player[id].$type[type2]";

}elseif($ft3 == '1'){

$file = "http://www.lordoftheabyss.com/images/players/m$player[id].$type[type3]";

}elseif($ft4 == '1'){

$file = "http://www.lordoftheabyss.com/images/players/m$player[id].$type[type4]";

}elseif($ft5 == '1'){

$file = "http://www.lordoftheabyss.com/images/players/m$player[id].$type[type5]";

}elseif($ft6 == '1'){

$file = "http://www.lordoftheabyss.com/images/players/m$player[id].$type[type6]";

}elseif($ft7 == '1'){

$file = "http://www.lordoftheabyss.com/images/players/m$player[id].$type[type7]";

}elseif($ft8 == '1'){

$file = "http://www.lordoftheabyss.com/images/players/m$player[id].$type[type8]";

echo "<br><img src='http://www.lordoftheabyss.com/images/players/$player[image]'>";
echo "<br><img src='$file'>";


Thanks for the help :)

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