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why has my php script expired


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Hi to all, I have a number plate designer on my website in php.  www.instantgraffix.co.uk/ukplate.php


A few days ago it stopped working.


I think I have found the php file that is the problem www.instantgraffix.co.uk/plategen.php


As you can see it says script expired.


Is there a simple solution to this as I know naff all about php.


Any help would be greatfully received



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Hi to all, I have a number plate designer on my website in php.  www.instantgraffix.co.uk/ukplate.php


A few days ago it stopped working.


I think I have found the php file that is the problem www.instantgraffix.co.uk/plategen.php


As you can see it says script expired.


Is there a simple solution to this as I know naff all about php.


Any help would be greatfully received




Looks like your script is either unlicensed or the license has expired.

Have a look in the main directory for a file like ****.readme or .txt


and it should have the script creators details in.

Contact them and ask to buy it (unless you already bought it?)

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Hi , thanks for the reply.


The plate designer was created by a chap in India.


He has had a look at it and can't workout what wrong with it.


Also the designer is not under any licence.


I am on msn if anyone would like to chat and have look at the files


msn:  sales@instantgraffix.co.uk





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I have found these lines of code in the ukplate.php file


Do you think this has anything to do with the expired script?







<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">

function setCookie(c_name,value,expiredays)


var exdate=new Date()


document.cookie=c_name+ "=" +escape(value)+

((expiredays==null) ? "" : ";expires="+exdate.toGMTString())


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Interesting...I don't know anything about javascript, but it looks like that's the code for the expiration.  I'm confused, though, because the code looks like it gets the current date and adds an expiredays to that, thus setting the sate to a few days from now or something.  You could try modifying that code, removing the part about setting the expiration date.  Or you could see what the script is that's calling the code, and modify it to make expiredays "99999999" or something.


Sorry, that's the best I've got...

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Hi, thanks for the reply


I just changed the bottom line of the ukplate.php to


((expiredays==99999999) ? "" : ";expires="+exdate.toGMTString())


as still says plategen.php script expired


Please keep the ideas coming as i need to solve this asap as its my living these plates






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Some line of code somewhere in your script is generating that message. I'd suspect that it resides in one of the includes, most likely in ukplate_config.php


If there are no lines in any of your scripts that produce that line, it must be produced by something that's included externally.  You're going to have to look through your scripts and find out where the message is generated and that should tell you what you have to do next.

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