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I'm a bit new to this, and I apologize in advance for my thickheadedness. I hope someone can help me with a suggestion.


I have two tables: programs and events. All events are categorized as a kind of program (and include a program id). I'm trying to get the monthly total for the number of participants in all events. All events have a month, year, and day field.


I start by getting the totals this way:


$query ="SELECT event_month, sum(number) as total_events FROM events WHERE year = '".$year."' AND program_id = '".$_GET['id']."' GROUP BY event_month ";


Then I get the result of the query and loop through the rows:


$result = mysql_query($query)

echo "<table>\n<tr>\n";
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
$month = $year."-".$row['month']."-01";
$month_name = date('M', strtotime($month));
	echo "<td><div>".$month."</div>";
	echo "<div>".$row['total_events']."</div></td>";
echo "</tr></table>\n\n\n"; 


This gets me close to what I want, which is a table with two rows, the name of the month on top and the total attendance for that month below. But I'd really like every month displayed--not just those for which there is data. So my output would be a table with 12 cells, Jan through Dec, and below each the total for that month, if it exists.


I imagine I ought to be using a for loop, but don't know where to begin. Any help would be appreciated. 



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I am not sure this is the best way to do this but you can do a join query on a table with all the month names.


Month Table

monthNum (Primary)



Query would look like:


$query ="SELECT monthName, sum(number) as total_events FROM events right outer joind monthTable on (monthTable.monthNum = total_events.event_month WHERE year = '".$year."' AND program_id = '".$_GET['id']."' GROUP BY monthName";


The right outer join make it show all the rows in the month table.


Hope this helps...




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Thanks mwookie,


I like that approach for a number of reasons. But I'm still not getting all months from the "months" table. Here's the actual query I'm using:


SELECT months.id, months.name, sum(number) as total_events FROM pbb_events RIGHT OUTER JOIN months on (months.id = pbb_events.event_month) WHERE pbb_events.event_year = '2007' AND pbb_events.program_id = '156' GROUP BY months.name


It seems to be totaling correctly, but I get rows only where events have been entered.

SELECT monthtable.monthNum , monthtable.monthName , sum(events.number) AS total_events , events.month FROM monthtable

LEFT JOIN events ON monthtable.monthNum = events.month

WHERE events.yeah='2007'


This one will do it for you. Only works for one year though.



$query="SELECT monthtable.monthNum , monthtable.monthName , sum(events.number) AS total_events , events.month FROM monthtable
LEFT JOIN events ON monthtable.monthNum = events.month
WHERE events.yeah='2007' ";
$num=mysql_num_rows($result); // Will of course be 12 rows, 1 per month

while ($num > $i) {


echo "<strong>$month</strong> - $attendants participants   <br />";


This thread is more than a year old. Please don't revive it unless you have something important to add.

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