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Web Site Help...


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I am trying to build a website fo rmusicians of all kinds. My idea is to allow them to upload and download mp3 files. But I want the site design to be based on a forum with web pages inserted. I talked to a web designer and they said it would cost a ballpark $15,000, not in my budget. I do know a little PHP but do not have alot of free time as I am in the military. I was also told MySQL would not be a good idea with a high volume of traffic. She suggested SQL. I want to know if this information was misleading. And if not, since I have not ever built a website in PHP, where would I start? I have already mapped the site out but i dont want to have to go back and re-write all the code because I started in the wrong place. PLZ HELP!!!

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1) "SQL" is a language, not a database. Maybe they meant MS SQL Server?

2) You should be storing the files outside of the database so it doesn't really matter what database you use. MySQL should do fine.

3) $15,000 is off the charts. I'd probably charge you between $1500 and $2000 for something like that.

4) Running a forum with web pages inserted doesn't make any sense. Forums are for conversations. Web pages are for displaying content. They're not meant to be combined.


Sounds like you need to redesign your idea and then find a decent contractor that won't rape you.

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What I'm saying is, I've already designed it without the programming of course. I just want all the pages to look the same so it doesnt look like you left the site. I dont think I went in to enough detail about this. My entire site is based off of the forum. Anyway, better question... is there a good tutorial on skinning a phpBB?

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