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n00b needs help


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I have an arcade site that is powered by a PHP script. I also happen to not know crap about PHP. The script makes all the pages have the same title which is not good for search engine optimization and so I am trying to fix it. All of the subpages have a title that is displayed on the page, and I can't get it to put it in the <title> tags. I've been able to make it differentiate between the main page (where it doesn't display anything new) and the subpages (where it's suppose to display the page title). Here's what I have so far:



if(!isset($_GET['act']) || $_GET['act'] != 'play'){
echo 'main page title here';
} else {
echo 'Subpage name here';



while looking at how the script displays the subpage name in the page, it seems to use this code:


but I can't get the script to echo the value of 'gName.' Any help would be greatly appreciated :)


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try doing:


print_l ($game);


See what results you get in the dumped array..


This didn't work, if this is what you mean:


if(!isset($_GET['act']) || $_GET['act'] != 'play'){
echo 'main page title here';
} else {
print_l ($game);



it gave this message when opening a subpage:

Fatal error: Call to undefined function: print_l() in /home/arcade/public_html/index.php on line 16

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dont know of any print_l() but sure i know about print_r() which u can use to print array values. What i think is that $game is a config variable and to it are assigned site values like:


$game['siteName'] = 'Game Site';
$game['siteDesc'] = 'A very good site';


Dont know how the script works but im sure it gets the page title from a database field. Look at the database to find a column 'title' or smth and then look at the code to find where that column is echoed.

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