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Heres a image gallery script i wrote about 3 years ago, its not got any obvious bugs as its been used by many many people for years and most have been ironed out. However i plan on giving it an overhaul as I'm now more experienced with PHP and will proberbly add album functionallity.


So basically your comments, suggestions and bugs are appreciated before i start developing a new version of it.


I've no idea if there are any secuirty issues with it so if anyone can find them that would be nice.


Source: http://www.hotscripts.com/Detailed/46557.html

Example: http://ajrgal.ajrdev.com

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You might redirect GET requests for a negative page (http://ajrdev.com/ajrgal/index.php?page=-1) to the first page. Otherwise, the script looks good, and secure. But kind of plain... are the image thumbnails hard-coded to be square, or can a user change this?

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Nope, its supposed to be simple and basic. Files are uploaded into a folder and the script does the rest. There is no back end. The images can be changed to be resized proportionatly to a certain size, resized and cropped to fit a certain size or stretched to fit a certain size.


Well thanks for checking it out. Glad to see there is nothing much ive overlooked.

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