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[SOLVED] Storing arrays

cry of war

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is there any way that i can store a array as a variable because i dont want to creat a database for thousands of variables.

heres what i thought of so far then i just kind of got stuck


$arrayval = "1,3,2,7,4,6,8,15,12,78,96,1203,1029,39509,12999";
$array = array($arrayval);
echo $array[1],$array[3],$array[2],$array[5],$array[6],$array[4],$array[7],$array[9],$array[5],$array[10],$array[13];
echo "<hr>";
echo $arrayval;
echo "<hr>";
$sum = $array[1]+$array[3]+$array[2]+$array[5]+$array[6]+$array[4]+$array[7]+$array[9]+$array[5]+$array[10]+$array[13];
echo $sum;

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Sorry, your question is pretty unclear. Do you want to store an array for later use, or echo all values within an array?


If the later, use a loop. eg;



  $arr = array(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9);
  foreach($arr as $val) {
    echo $val . "<br />";



And you can use serialize to create a string representation of an array, usefull for storage.

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i would like to set a str say 1,0,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,1,1,1,0 and so on where each value means that the person has that trait or not. http://www.cryofwar.phpnet.us/index.php near the bottom of this page is where this will be usefull. I have the php page set up so if a certain var equals 1 or 0 it will determine if that area displays or not other wise im going to have a huge list of values in my database and i dont want that. so i would




and where $arr[1]=1 the data in that section would show but if $arr[1]=0 the data wouldnt show.


this is the code im going to be using this in if it will help any


and i know the codes not set up for this i just need to figure out what i need to change it too before i will change it

<table class=table_lines style="PADDING-LEFT: 0px; PADDING-RIGHT: 25px" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5" width="100%" border="0">
<tr><td align="center" colspan="4"><font color=""><B>Armor Proficiency</font></td></tr>
<tr><td align="center"><font color=""><B>FEAT</B></font></td><td align="center"><font color="">DESCRIPTION</font></td><td align="center"><font color="">PREREQUISITE<br></font></td><td align="center"><font color="">On/Off</font></td></tr>
/***so the str would be stored as
for later use ****/
if ($armorproficiencylight == 1){echo "<tr><td align=\"center\"><font color=\"\"><B>Armor Proficiency, Light</B></font></td><td align=\"center\"><font color=\"\">Can equip light armor.</font></td><td align=\"center\"><font color=\"\">Armor Proficiency, Light</font></td><td align=\"center\"><font color=\"\"><input type=\"radio\" name=\"	\"  value=\"1\">Active<br><input type=\"radio\" name=\"	\"  value=\"0\">Inactive<br></font></td></tr>";} else { echo "";}
if ($armorproficiencymedium == 1){echo "<tr><td align=\"center\"><font color=\"\"><B>Armor Proficiency, Medium</B></font></td><td align=\"center\"><font color=\"\">Can equip medium armor.</font></td><td align=\"center\"><font color=\"\">Armor Proficiency, Medium</font></td><td align=\"center\"><font color=\"\"><input type=\"radio\" name=\"	\"  value=\"1\">Active<br><input type=\"radio\" name=\"	\"  value=\"0\">Inactive<br></font></td></tr>";} else { echo "";}
if ($armorproficiencyheavy == 1){echo "<tr><td align=\"center\"><font color=\"\"><B>Armor Proficiency, Heavy</B></font></td><td align=\"center\"><font color=\"\">Can equip heavy armor.</font></td><td align=\"center\"><font color=\"\">Armor Proficiency, Heavy</font></td><td align=\"center\"><font color=\"\"><input type=\"radio\" name=\"	\"  value=\"1\">Active<br><input type=\"radio\" name=\"	\"  value=\"0\">Inactive<br></font></td></tr>";} else { echo "";}
if ($monkeygrip == 1){echo "<tr><td align=\"center\"><font color=\"\"><B>Monkey Grip</B></font></td><td align=\"center\"><font color=\"\">Can wield two-handed weapon in one hand.</font></td><td align=\"center\"><font color=\"\">Base attack bonus +1</font></td><td align=\"center\"><font color=\"\"><input type=\"radio\" name=\"	\"  value=\"1\">Active<br><input type=\"radio\" name=\"	\"  value=\"0\">Inactive<br></font></td></tr>";} else { echo "";}
if ($shieldproficiency == 1){echo "<tr><td align=\"center\"><font color=\"\"><B>Shield Proficiency</B></font></td><td align=\"center\"><font color=\"\">Can equip a shield.</font></td><td align=\"center\"><font color=\"\">Shield</font></td><td align=\"center\"><font color=\"\"><input type=\"radio\" name=\"	\"  value=\"1\">Active<br><input type=\"radio\" name=\"	\"  value=\"0\">Inactive<br></font></td></tr>";} else { echo "";}
if ($towershield == 1){echo "<tr><td align=\"center\"><font color=\"\"><B>Tower Shield</B></font></td><td align=\"center\"><font color=\"\">Can equip a Tower Shield.</font></td><td align=\"center\"><font color=\"\">Shield Proficiency</font></td><td align=\"center\"><font color=\"\"><input type=\"radio\" name=\"	\"  value=\"1\">Active<br><input type=\"radio\" name=\"	\"  value=\"0\">Inactive<br></font></td></tr>";} else { echo "";}


the file is like 20 times bigger then this thats why i need to know if i can store information like this

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Sorry... your question is still very unclear. Do you want to turn a string....


$str = "1,0,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,1,1,1,0";


into an array?



  $str = "1,0,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,1,1,1,0";
  $arr = explode(',',$str);


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hmm how to explain


i need to store a large about of numbers (mostly 1s and 0s) in this form #,#,#,#,#,#,#,#,# so i can later break it back down into different vars that gives me a great amount of information about the users stats and the above would work but i need to keep them as numbers and not strings.

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I don't know for sure, but can't you serialize the array and store it in the table? Then you wouldn't need to parse the string (not that that would be difficult.) The only thing I am unsure of is how large the serialization of an array would be.

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ok im going to store #,#,#,#,#,#,#,#,#,#,#,#,#,#,#,# in a table (along with userid pass and soon) so when the user comes back later the php page will break it back down into yes the user has this option or no the user doesnt have the option


So whats the problem? Pull that string back out and turn it into an array.

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$arrayval = "1,3,2,7,4,6,8,15,12,78,96,1203,1029,39509,12999";
$array = array($arrayval);
echo $array[1],$array[3],$array[2],$array[5],$array[6],$array[4],$array[7],$array[9],$array[5],$array[10],$array[13];
echo "<hr>";
echo $arrayval;
echo "<hr>";
$sum = $array[1]+$array[3]+$array[2]+$array[5]+$array[6]+$array[4]+$array[7]+$array[9]+$array[5]+$array[10]+$array[13];
echo $sum;

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They will be string, but as PHP is a typeless language you can treat them as either. Or can force them to be int



  $str = "1,0,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,1,1,1,0";
  $arr = explode(',',$str);
  echo '<pre>';
  var_dump($arr) ;
  echo '</pre>';
  foreach($arr as $k=>$v) $arr[$k] = intval($v);
  echo '<pre> After convert to int';
  var_dump($arr) ;
  echo '</pre>';

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