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[SOLVED] Quotes


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<input type=text value="She said "It was cool" today">

<input type=text value='She said 'It was cool' today'>


Spot the problem?


Whats the best way around it, because when people are adding quotes in these boxes and its being inserted into a database then pulled back out for inclusion in a text field, its causing issues where as the outputted value is


She Said


Please advise

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Its always best to not destroy the original input because its the author's work.  punctuation is aways tricky because it can be interpreted as text strings or in some cases as literal programing punctuation.  The best idea is look into the add/strip slashes functions and the escape for mysql these functions escape\unescape all special characters for use and then simply apply them on insertion and then remove on viewing.

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The issue is not with it screwing up mysql


Its the HTML


value="test "quote here" more convo"


As far as the HTML engine in concerned the value is


value="test "


Thus leaving this redunt code to be interpreted as plain text


quote here" more convo"

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Its always best to not destroy the original input because its the author's work.  punctuation is aways tricky because it can be interpreted as text strings or in some cases as literal programing punctuation.  The best idea is look into the add/strip slashes functions and the escape for mysql these functions escape\unescape all special characters for use and then simply apply them on insertion and then remove on viewing.

its been said by this guy thats why im knocking on the wring door  LOL

i guess time to mark this as solved

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