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[SOLVED] Upgrade 4.1 -> 5.0 before weekend, server reports 4.1 today (Monday)


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Before I had left for the weekend I had (possibly correctly) upgraded our MySQL server from 4.1 to 5.0.  When I ran MySQL from the command line it reported version 5.0, so did a phpinfo() page.


The last thing I did before leaving for the weekend was rebuild PHP with:




But I didn't do:

make install


When I came in today, the phpinfo() page reported version 5.0, but it could have been a cached page (I suppose).  I decided to rebuild PHP:


% apachectl stop

% mysqladmin shutdown

% cd php-dir

% sh install_php.sh

% make

% make install

% mysqld_safe --user=mysql &

% apachectl start

% mysql

Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.

Your MySQL connection id is 32 to server version: 4.1.21-standard


phpinfo() page shows 4.1 as well.


The server is a VPS and has cPanel and WHM installed.  Can anyone provide a reason for this?

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Turns out webhosts with WHM on them need to have MySQL upgraded via WHM, under the Server Configuration -> Tweak Settings menu.


There are then some commands that need to be run from SSH that will update MySQL, reconfigure apache, and re-build PHP.

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