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Hi Everyone,


I have just started using Php and was fiddling around with it.


Here is my problem, I am trying to create a form where the user enters the data and gets back a result, keeping all the original data on the screen when the result is produced (Sort of a sticky form), only problem is that it won't work....... for me at least...


here is the code:



<img src= "Rams_Header.jpg"




$Mortgage = $_POST['mortgage'];

$Interest = $_POST['interest'];

$Years = $_POST['years'];



if (isset($Mortgage) && isset($Interest) && isset($Years))

$Payments =$Mortgage*($Interest/12)/(1-(1/pow((1+$Interest/12),$Years*12)));



<form action = "Ass2.php" method = "post">



<td><b>Please Enter Mortgage Amount: </b></td>

<td><input type = "text" name = "mortgage" value = <? echo $Mortgage ?>> </td>

<td><TH rowspan="4"><img src="BOB07_GOLD_WINNER.gif"></td>



<td><b>Please Enter Interest Rate: </b></td>

<td><input type = "text" name = "interest" value = <? echo $Interest ?>> </td>



<td><b>Please Enter Number of Years for Repayment: </b></td>

<td><input type = "text" name = "years" value = <? echo $Years ?>> </td>





<td><input type="submit" name ="SUBMIT" value="submit me"></td>




  <?php if (isset($Payments))

echo "Your Morgate Repayments will be $" .round($Payments,2)











Anybody have an Idea???


Thanks in Advance



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before i consider looking at your code:


rule 1 in the forum guidelines:



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a) DON'T Describe your question or problem as urgent, super important, must have by tommorrow etc...


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and number 2, put your code in the

 brackets without the spaces please



and that code is very sloppy..

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Make sure that the action of your form tag is the name of your script...or leave it out...or set it equal to $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].


Also, I'm not sure, but I think you may need to remove the spaces between the attribute="value" in your html tags.


<form action = "Ass2.php" method = "post">


maybe should be:


<form action="Ass2.php" method="post">

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maybe this will make your code work better

<input type = "text" name = "mortgage" value="<? echo $Mortgage ?>">


note the double quote around the passed in value.  If you don't wrap it with quote and you have space or any kind funny character, it will be prob.


If you play with PHP long enough, you will use some sort of template mechanism because this way is simple and very hard to manage if you have multiple form and more inputs


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