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[SOLVED] Replacing Links


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Hey everyone!


I've posted this query before but I didn't get my answer. I thought a new topic will produce a new perspective on my problem. I have a list of people and their details (name, telephone number, etc). This is dynamically driven and all info is stored into a database. I don't want the phone number to display at first, instead I want it to be a hyperlink attached to the text "Phone".


What I want is when users click that hyperlink, the link get replaced completely with the correct phone number. I basically want this to record how many people are enquiring on a certain phone number. I've got it so far that the link pulls in the correct phone number but how to I replace the link completely with the number (ie, the number is in the place where the link was - no link attached to the number, though)?


Can anyone please help?




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U can use url variables for this, so when the link is pressed u pass to the url a link like: profiles.php?phone=true&id=10. Everytime the link is pressed the page refreshes, reads the url variable and makes the changes. Anyway i think this isnt what u want, instead u can use javascript. Place the phone number in an invisible div (or span) with a specified id and make them show like this:


<a href=\"javascript://\" onclick="this.style.display='none'; divId.style.display='block'">Phone</a>


divId is the id of the div which contains the phone number. If it doesnt work like that use: document.getElementById('divId').style

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Thanks for your reply. I've used the javascript like you said. The phone link disappears fine but the invisible span doesn't come up. Here's my code:


<a href="#" onclick="this.style.display='none'; document.getElementById('block').style">Phone</a>
<span id="block" style="visibility:hidden"><?=$rs_prop["home_no"]; ?></span>


What am I doing wrong?

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It works great BUT it only works for the first entry on the list. Any other member on the list, when I click on phone, it's always the first entry phone number that comes up. Here's my code for the while loop I have to display the list:


		$i = 0;
		while ($rs_prop = mysql_fetch_array($result_prop))	{
            <td height="27" class="body-text-np" style="padding-left:5px; padding-right:2px;"><input name="checkbox[<?= $rs_prop["id"]; ?>]" type="checkbox" class="style1" onClick="rowHighlight(this.parentElement.parentElement)" value="<?= $rs_prop["id"]; ?>"></td>
            <td class="body-text-np" style="padding-left:5px; padding-right:2px;"><a href="update.php?id=<?= $rs_prop["id"]; ?>" class="style1"><img src="../images/icon_update.gif" width="16" height="16" border="0"></a></td>
            <td class="db_list_text" style="padding-left:5px; padding-right:2px;">
              <?= $rs_prop["name"]; ?>           </td>
            <td class="db_list_text" style="padding-left:5px; padding-right:2px;">
              <?= ucwords($rs_prop["initials"]); ?>            </td>
            <td class="db_list_text" style="padding-left:5px; padding-right:2px;">
              <?= ucwords($rs_prop["address"]); ?>           </td>
            <td class="db_list_text" style="padding-left:5px; padding-right:2px;">
              <?=$rs_prop["house_number"]; ?>            </td>					    
            <td class="db_list_text" style="padding-left:5px; padding-right:2px;">

		<a href="#" onclick="this.style.display='none'; document.getElementById('block').style.display='inline'">Phone</a>
		<span class="db_list_text" style="padding-left:5px; padding-right:2px;"><span id="block" style="display:none"><?=$rs_prop["home_no"]; ?></span>

		<td class="db_list_text" style="padding-left:5px; padding-right:2px;">
              <?= ucwords($rs_prop["email"]); ?>           </td>
            <td class="db_list_text" style="padding-left:5px; padding-right:2px;"><?php if ($rs_prop["amount"] > 0) { print "<img src=\"../images/icon_blueexclamation.gif\" width=\"14\" height=\"14\">";}?></td>
	  <?php $i++; } ?>



Any ideas? I'm not sure how to modify it.

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try changing

			<a href="#" onclick="this.style.display='none'; document.getElementById('block').style.display='inline'">Phone</a>
		<span class="db_list_text" style="padding-left:5px; padding-right:2px;"><span id="block" style="display:none"><?=$rs_prop["home_no"]; ?></span>





			<a href="#" onclick="this.style.display='none'; document.getElementById('<?= $rs_prop["name"]; ?>').style.display='inline'">Phone</a>
		<span class="db_list_text" style="padding-left:5px; padding-right:2px;"><span id="<?= $rs_prop["name"]; ?>" style="display:none"><?=$rs_prop["home_no"]; ?></span>



basically giving unique ID's


i used $rs_prop["name"] but $rs_prop["ID"] would be better (if it exists) the Unique from the database

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I used ID like you suggested and it works like a charm!! Thank you! The other thing, because the link currently goes to #, when I'm halfway down the page and I click on "Phone", it displays the number correctly but the page jumps to the top. I have a list of about 500 members so I don't want that to happen. Just leaving the href as "" doesn't work either. How can I work around that?

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personally i would use ajax..



have a popup with for details you could have the

details.php?href='id=<?php echo $rs_prop["id"];'


then on the details.php page you use $_GET['id'] to pull all the details of that records id, and then could also update the "counter field" at the same time!

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