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Index.htm going to login page and sending back to index page


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This is what I intend to do.


1: A visitors visits a.html page. decides to login and post comment. goes to login page and logs in then I want to send him back to a.html page how do I do that? Here is my login page and login.php page.


2: Same as above but I want to send them back after some time... while I make them view the error, why they have not been able to login.


include "connect.php";
  	$emailid=$_POST['email'];  //Email id and password should be checked against the database.
  	$getuser="SELECT * from a_users where email='$emailid' and passkey='$password' and validated='1'";
  	$getuser2=mysql_query($getuser) or die("Could not query for user");
	else if($getuser3[isbanned]=="yes")
    		print "Your account has been banned. <br><br><br> <center>For more information contact webmaster: helpdesk@myplanet.co.in<br><br><br><br>copyright myplanet</center>";
		$_SESSION['email']=$emailid;   //Once the email ID and password has been varified.
					 $emailid=$_SESSION['email']; //retriving user name against the given email ID.
  					 $getusername="SELECT * from a_users where email='$emailid'";
  					 $getusername2=mysql_query($getusername) or die("Could not get user name");

		$path = '/folder/';
		$hostname = 'myplanet.co.in';
		setcookie('myplanet', $username, $emailid, $path, $hostname);		//setting cookie for storing email ID and Password.



Hope you dont mind me putting the domain name as it is!



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ok, you mean to say i send him to a simple age where he learns the status and send him back but how do I know from which web address he came from. In a website there could be many page from where he can visit the login.php page!!


Alternatively, is there any ways I can make him wait in a page for some time before sending him to another?


Thanks for helping me.

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You will not be able to sustain a login within a html page unless your server is setup to handle *.html files as php.


Ok, I will keep all my pages as php but isn't it php files are bigger in size than html and loads late?

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here is the forum which I am using. which is not working. The page is continuously getting refreshed and multiple similar comments are getting added. Redirection is also not working.

//create the form to submit comments
//you can add more fields, but make sure you add them to the db table and the page, submitcomment.php
        echo "<a name=\"post\"><div id=\"submitcomment\" class=\"submitcomment\">
<form name=\"submitcomment\" method=\"post\" action=\"submitcomment.php\" onSubmit=\" return form_Validator(this)\">
<table width=\"100%\">
                                <th colspan=\"2\"><h3 class=\"formtitle\">Leave your comment:</h3></th>

                                <th scope=\"row\"><p class=\"req\">Name:</p></th>
                                <td><input class=\"form\" tabindex=\"1\" id=\"name\" name=\"name\" /></td>
                                <th scope=\"row\"><p class=\"opt\">Email:</p></th>
                                <td><input class=\"form\" tabindex=\"2\" id=\"email\" name=\"email\" /></td>

                                <th scope=\"row\"><p class=\"opt\">URL:</p></th>
                                <td><input class=\"form\" tabindex=\"3\" id=\"url\" name=\"url\" /></td>
                <tr valign=\"top\">
                                <th scope=\"row\"><p class=\"req\">Comments:</p><br /></th>
                                <td><textarea class=\"formtext\" tabindex=\"4\" id=\"message\" name=\"message\" rows=\"10\" cols=\"50\"></textarea></td>

                                <td> </td>
                                <td><input type=\"submit\" name=\"post\" class=\"submit\" value=\"Submit Comment\" /><br />
                                <p>Note:  Emails will not be visible or used in any way, and are not required.  Please keep comments relevant. Any content deemed inappropriate or offensive may be edited and/or deleted. </p>

<p>No HTML code is allowed.  Line breaks will be converted automatically.  URLs will be auto-linked.  Please use BBCode to format your text.</p>

<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"tuturl\" value=\"$tuturl\" /> 
<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"tutid2\" value=\"$tutid2\" />


This is the submit comment.php

//Please set the following variables for your mysql database:
$db_hostname = "localhost";  //usually "localhost be default"
$db_username = "";  //your user name
$db_pass = "";  //the password for your user
$db_name = "";  //the name of the database

// connect to database
$dbh = mysql_connect ($db_hostname, $db_username, $db_pass) or die ('I cannot connect to the database because: ' . mysql_error());
mysql_select_db ($db_name);

$tuturl = $_POST["tuturl"];
$tutid2 = $_POST["tutid2"];
$name = $_POST["name"];
$url = $_POST["url"];
$email = $_POST["email"];
$message = $_POST["message"];

$sendcomment = mysql_query("INSERT INTO comments SET tutorialid='$tutid2', name='$name', url='$url', email='$email', comment='$message', date=now()");
//header("Location: $tuturl");
echo "<h1>Submission Successful</h1>";
echo "Your comment has been submitted.  You will now be redirected back to the last page you visited.  Thanks!";
echo "<meta http-equiv='refresh' content='2;URL=$tuturl'>";
} else {
echo "There was an error with the submission. ";




I would appreciate if some one can figure out the mistake!

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