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Monitor problem


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Right now, I'm using a really old fuzzy 14" CRT monitor because when I came home from work today my 17" AOC lcd montitor wasn't working.  :'(


It flashes on about once every 2 seconds, then the power light then goes amber, and the screen goes off. It turns on and off on it's own, without my help. The AC adaptor light is flashing on and off as well. The monitor comes on about 1 second after the AC adaptor light goes green. Same thing happens no matter which computer I hook it up to.


The AC Adaptor light stays solid green until I plug it into the monitor - then it starts the flashing mentioned above.


Is the monitor hooped or is it just the AC adaptor?



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I'd guess that it's the adaptor - it's just more likely that the adaptor would be broken instead of the monitor. One way you could test it is by trying a different AC adaptor, or a different monitor, but I'm guessing you have neither, or you'd probably be using it.


If the equipment is still under warranty, you might consider returning it or getting it fixed.

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