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rewrite on windows server 2003


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Hey guys


My laptop running winXP Pro poped its HD this morning, and im trying to get the only other free computer in the office setup so I can finish doing some work.

It is a windows server 2003 installation, and I cant get the rewrite rules working.  I have enabled the mod_rewrite module, and added this to the httpd.conf

<Directory "C:/Webbase/webcan_code/">
            Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews
            AllowOverride All
            Order allow,deny
            Allow from all

that is the correct directory.  I have done this exact same thing on my XP laptop, and it worked fine, but I am getting a "400, bad request" error everytime I try it on the server 2003 installation.


this is the .htaccess

RewriteEngine On

RewriteRule ^(.*).htm$							index.php	[L]
RewriteRule ^(.*).php$							index.php	[L]
RewriteRule ^(core_images|backup|conf|custom|smarty|scripts)/(.*)	index.php 	[L]

is there anything im doing obviously wrong!  This is frustrating as I got it all setup on XP quickly without any issues, but its not working on this OS!

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There are no errors coming through in the log files either.

I am using apache 1.3.17

please dont just suggest an upgrade to apache 2, i realise that 1 is old, but that isnt a good enough reason why this isnt working now!

thanks in advance guys

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